Awww who’s a good boy? 🥺
Awww who’s a good boy? 🥺
Is that a…furry moth? ♥️
Oh my goodness that last picture. Annoyed the Void :-P
Florida? Yep sounds about right.
Stamets? “Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.”
I’m sorry kitty I don’t have any games on my phone 🥺
That’s “Our man, Julian”
“Watch me as I doze”
Ser Pounce-alot
If you find ethics after that, then your soul will leave your body.
That looks almost but not quite like Platinum (Mac OS 8) :-)
The noses on the Nazi and the woman look like the other two to me.
Steamed ANDs
Outside the circles are the rest of the universe. i.e. all of the spaces where neither TRICK nor TREAT are true.
Edit: oh, why is a face there and not just orange? I think because it’s cute.
cat.exe stopped working.
Illegal Access Exception: stack overflow
Even a kitler supports trans rights.
Power Mac 4400? 7200?
Edit: looks like a 7200. That was a weird weird Mac.