I don’t think so, the US isn’t like a Parliamentary government where the Government is comprised of sitting Members of Parliament and therefore are subject to the will of the Parliament.
I don’t think so, the US isn’t like a Parliamentary government where the Government is comprised of sitting Members of Parliament and therefore are subject to the will of the Parliament.
Legit, life goals right there.
Sure, Trumpy and JD the Couch Fucker are dead however the new President is Mike Johnson. Looking at the Presidential Line of Succession, it’s shit all the way down.
Yes, cause I operate under Highlander Rules.
Guy needs to be put in a rocket and shipped to Mars so we dont have to listen to his manic rantings.
Instead of Mars how about straight into the void of space?
Tory voters “Yes.”
Pepperidge Farms remembers when Conservatives complained about tech have a left leaning bias.
Was that a confession like all accusations?
The lettuce keeps going up in value compared to Truss and the Conservative Party.
Fucking based Samwise McGee.
All the while ignoring all the terrible things being done by Republicans.
Cat Jail the best kind of jail to be in.
Trumpy only smirks when he’s insulting people.
The John Deere strategy.
“Sandworm detected.”
Let’s not forget that slavery is allowed to exist as a form of punishment in the US.
It’s the Internet, we can do anything.
Except the US would giving up the current source of slave labor by stopping the war on drugs.
I am. Black market tacos taste fantastic if you ignore the numerous issues.
Honestly, sounds like you dodge a severe gun shot wound right there. Instead you walked away with a minor gun shot wound.