[…] BBC World Service has seen documents showing that organisations with close ties to the Israeli government have provided money and land used to establish new illegal outposts.
[…] BBC World Service has seen documents showing that organisations with close ties to the Israeli government have provided money and land used to establish new illegal outposts.
I’m sure this will be an unpopular take, and I know this is their home, but if I were a Palestinian right now, I would honestly be all about someone helping me relocate far far away from Israel.
i dont think it works like that, they dont get to leave they just no longer have a home.
I know, but I wish it did work like that.
If you’re going to wish for something, how about wishing Israel would stop genociding?
“I wish Israel would just commit ethnic cleansing instead of genocide”
No, I wish the Palestinians would survive, rather than being wiped out by Israel.
“helping” seems like an odd word to use for “threatened at gunpoint”.
I’m sure Himmler said the same.
Your statement is not ignorant of the the current situation but also similar to the “if I am Jew, I will relocate to another country” during the Nazi regime.
I think you’re making a valid point about fleeing persecution, which is a perfectly rational decision for one’s self-preservation, but the keyboard warriors will downvote you because it sounds like you’re advocating for relinquishing Palestinian lands to Israel.
If leaving to be relocated somewhere else isn’t relinquishing your lands, then what is it? Do yo think the Israeli government will hold the place for the Palestinians that may eventually want to return? Also, no one wants the Palestinians, they are some of the poorest people on Earth and don’t have fancy second passports like most Israelis.
I’ve started several replies and then given up because I don’t have the energy to explain the subtleties of what I am suggesting.
Shit, I don’t even think it has to be subtle. People emigrate all the time for a variety of reasons. And most of them are much less compelling than “I’m surrounded by people who might decide to murder my entire family any day.”
They have no responsibility to stick it out and take the risk just because other people, including myself, don’t want to see the settlers win.
Yes! Exactly! How do they not understand this simple concept? Their
myopathymyopia is honestly a little shocking.*myopia
Myopathy is something else.
Ok, fair point. You can’t rule out myopathy though!