Bruh. You do know you are talking about the cocaine capital of Europe here with your deluded “but they’re an island nation!” talk.
Bruh. You do know you are talking about the cocaine capital of Europe here with your deluded “but they’re an island nation!” talk.
haha let’s use the only parroted phrase you know again and again haha
“only stable democracy” haha that old chestnut, you are deluded if you are ignoring the number of actual democracies in the ME that USA has helped topple or marginalised.
If leaving to be relocated somewhere else isn’t relinquishing your lands, then what is it? Do yo think the Israeli government will hold the place for the Palestinians that may eventually want to return? Also, no one wants the Palestinians, they are some of the poorest people on Earth and don’t have fancy second passports like most Israelis.
Mate have you checked up on the UK these days? It is circling the drain itself and barely gives a shit about the country outside of Westminster. What makes you think they won’t make a complete shitshow of it even if they could be arsed to get involved?
Pray tell o’ wise one what happens to the Ulster militia dug in for years when Ireland claims NI? Nah I’m sure they’ll just pack up and leave and the remainder will join hands with their Catholic brothers and sisters in kumbaya.
This row stretches back 8 years, that person already sailed into the sunset on a platinum yatch. This year’s execs will get double platinum yatchs for finally putting this matter to rest.
Ireland’s whole shtick is low corporate taxes which has lead to boom times in recent years. Makes sense they would want to uphold that reputation, but well played to them as this decision makes it a win-win. I guess they must take these taxes now, awww shucks.
USA could have been in Afghanistan for 200 years and they still wouldn’t be able to put together more than a humpty dumpty army. The problem isn’t even Afghan ineptitude as such, the problem is that US policymakers start and stay completely ignorant to local cultures and customs wherever they decide to stick their dick.
half your shit + any alimony payments 10 years from now
To be fair my Windows experience was far simpler than Linux, if less fulfilling. What got me was a combination of constant attacks on privacy, W11 and the enshittification of the UI as well as general Microsoft corporate tomfoolery (have dealt with them for work, not a fan of their monopolistic EEE tactics).
I appreciate your point of view and you raise a decent point. In a perfect world. Bear in mind this is not USA themselves choosing not to buy oil from Venezuela, this is the USA using its dominant economy and weaponising the dollar by stopping anyone who wants to trade with the USA from purchasing Venezuelan oil. Now let’s look at the reasons it came about. Trade or land dispute or other ongoing disagreement? Nope, Venezuela’s domestic economic policies were the reason why. To call it anything other than naked imperialism is either denial, ignorance or collusion. And now (basically) the same people want to turn around and feign concern about democratic right and such. Come on now, I would expect to have to connect the dots on Reddit and such but not here.
bro no one cares what you say or think
Imagine believing the mf WaPo, the most obvious of intelligence mouthpieces, on anything concerning foreign policy. Hate to say it but place is more packed full of chumps than Reddit.
Venezuela’s quality of life took a nosedive because of US imposed sanctions chump.
I saw the IDF puppet accounts turn, almost on a dime and in unison, from cheering on death and destruction in Gaza to feigning concern and horror over Arab civilian deaths. Hilarious stuff.
As soon as possible couldn’t be soon enough to get rid of this pestilence my friend. He never saw a war he didn’t like, as if the devastation him and his kind have caused already wasn’t enough. Absolutely astounding.
Edit: Not fair to leave unmentioned he (and his ilk, Victoria Nuland) was highly in involved in the Biden administration’s handling of Ukraine. It is all the same mfers behind the scenes, if not worse waiting in the wings, and voting ain’t doing shit about it. Which is why you’re still allowed to do so.
Very well put, no idea why you’re getting downvoted. Probably offended someone’s sensibility because you didn’t worship at the alter of immigration and diversity. But latest research apparently shows we just may be able to acknowledge culture specific issues without giving into racist twattery. Sounds far fetched to me but I like to keep an open mind.
I don’t like the guy’s political postures or his constant guzzling of Western cock but got to give credit where credit is due.