Israel is not a country it is a colonization project maintain by weapon supply from the US along with being a tax and pedophile heaven for people.
Israel is not a country it is a colonization project maintain by weapon supply from the US along with being a tax and pedophile heaven for people.
lol they are trying hard to blame Palestinian for trump to the point they are willing to say Biden fid nothing wrong. Even thought they vetoed all humanitarian resolution at the UN. Like for fuck sake just search google how Biden supported the genocide.
You see, this is how Palestinian, resistance groups, and all colonized countries feel when Europe and North America made sure to suck the living resources out of them, making them cheap labour if they decide to escape their land.
In this case, Trump is treating Ukraine the same way they treat south america and other small nations.
Conservatives working hard to say liberal won before the election happen so no vote.
But how can we blame and isolate Palestinian/Muslium/Arab voters if we dont pretend that what Trump saying is something new? /s
why hamas doesn’t return the hostages ? they will never tell you…
The disingenuous is your statement saying they will be allowed back, how about move them back to their home that they cannot return to since 1948 aka “right of return” ? or moving them to housing options in west bank ? why Egypt? why Jordan?
why would Egypt send their military and build a wall across the border when Biden admin suggested that? Israel was planing that before October, On June 2023 their prime minister goes to UN and draw a pipeline on a map across Gaza. Making it clear they want to annex it. Do you think the US weren’t aware of it? Do you think Egypt who warn Israel about October didn’t pass the info to the US?
Do you really think people don’t read history or know what is going on to believe outlandish statement that Biden will move them to Egypt, drop the equivalent of two nuclear bomb on the region, then build it up, then bring people back?
People don’t follow news and ignore it then come back making statement that proven wrong and shove it in everyone face.
Reality every person who read history or watch news knows for fact that when it comes to Israel US position has been consistent.
Blaming Palestinians who said “fuck this party that want our vote and continue to kill our families” even though it has proven they reason Kamala lost is Economy.
Continuing this fake narrative outright racist at best.
Reminds me how they kept downvoting people who dispute the numbers of people killed in October 7 which, also proven to be around 800 at best and proven the Israel ordered their soldier to use the Hannibal directive of bombing vehicles regardless who is inside.
Biden suggests to move Palestinian to Egypt and Jordan as early as October 2023. So did previous US administration it goes back to 80s.
Saying the quite part out load is what is different now and the Democrats pretend they are upset while Both Kamala and Biden saying their proud Zionist.
What is now different is that Trump want the place for himself not for Israel nor the US.
I think Americans who don’t agree with trump should raise the Canadian flag.
When someone go outside, beat people up, come home, they are mostly likely will beat whoever at home when they speak up.
Throughout last year, the US didn’t stop supporting the war crimes of Israel, either by providing them with money, weapons, and sending American soldier to the area just in case. Canadian didn’t say much and kept quiet. Now Trump picking up the legacy of the United States foreign policy back home.
Canada should make it clear that they are not taking these statements as joke and expell the US ambassador.
Just imagine if Indea or China or even Russia said the same.
What crazy is that, I didn’t hear any statement so far from Canadian allies to denounce trump statement.
They literally killed hostages raising a white flag. And killed hostages on October 7 with Hannibal directive.
There are many reasons behind agreeing to ceasefire but the hostages what the least of his concern.
Or slaves because that’s what seems to be coming back
Maybe the better plan was a massive protest by all Democrats to stop a live on tv genocide instead of passing congress to send more aid to Israel?
When democrat abandon arab voters why anyone expect them to be there when the other group getting attack?
Thanks, that what I meant and reading it again the sentence structure is twisted !
Yes they are different, but when it comes to a specific issue, “support israel genocide and ethnic cleansing and expansion” They are literally the same.
This is known, since at least the 1980s they US government tried to negotiate with Egypt and Jordan to take people of Gaza.
The only different between the two is “one say it out loud” the “other say it quietly while lying on live tv”
These comment are absolutely insane. It is like, yes lets cook this genocide on slow heat for a few years while enjoying our life in the US. Blaming anyone who took stand, and continue to take stand, instead of blaming themselves.
If Gaza was actually a reason for democrat losing, why people didnt protest who they did it to the point where it was clear to them it will make a difference. And if they did, why blaming people instead of the party that didnt want their votes?
On top of that as you and everyone mention it is economy proven by data, but they want to blame people whos families bombed by american made weapon! Like wtf is wrong with these people!
Lol she literally ignore Michigan voters, they attack heavy handed youth protester, then ignore people who saying economy is fucked. She did let trump take office.
Democrats commit genocide and suggest ethnic cleansing, here is how they are better than trump.
This is the US position since 1980 so maybe direct your anger at people who is committing genocide instead of blaming people who are trying to change on going genocide.
Then the western world cries human rights and terrorist when the people of the land fight back