“Reading the health experts, I am starting to think with horror that if it’s not stopped, Israel’s assault could end up exterminating almost the entire population in Gaza over the next couple of years,” Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine, wrote on Friday on social media.
Albanese cited a recent report from University of Edinburgh global public health chair Devi Sridhar finding that the true death toll from Israel’s genocide could be estimated at 335,500 as of September.
Sridhar based this rough calculation off of an estimate by public health researchers published in The Lancet in July regarding typical indirect death counts from previous conflicts, citing research hailed as the gold standard in the field. At that time, the researchers estimated that the true death toll could be roughly 186,000, stemming from direct killings like bombings as well as Israel’s destruction of the health, food and sanitation systems in Gaza.
The death toll, then, could be between 15 and 20 percent of the population by the end of this year, Albanese said, in just over a year of Israel’s genocide. And, as Sridhar writes in her Guardian report, the calculation that she borrows from The Lancet editorial is highly conservative — meaning the death toll could be even higher than her 335,500 estimate.
New holocaust. Fucking nazis, they never change.
You know those headlines about some scientific study that was incredibly obvious? Like “Rich people live longer due to access to better healthcare”. I feel like this is one of those.
In this case it is absolutely crucial, as one of the repeated arguments made by the genocide supporters is “its just war, they try to prevent civillian deaths” or “if it was genocide they would have killed much more people”
These are lies. They are absolutely deliberate in what they do, and the realistic numbers prove that. The numbers of people officially recognised as dead has been rising only slowly since april/may. This is not because the killing and devastation have become less, they got worse. It is because the health system has collapsed after Israel made a point of destroying it.
Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong, I get why it needs to be said. It’s just sad that it does, you know? That we live in a world where something like this happens, and people are just so numb and apathetic to it.
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https://truthout.org/articles/researchers-estimate-true-gaza-death-toll-at-186000-or-more/Don’t worry though, they pinky promised that there’s no genocide happening.
There is no genocide untill every last one of them is dead.
And when they are - it’s nothing to worry about since they’re not here anymore.
Well, yes, that was the goal from the very beginning. Pol Pot would be so proud of Nethayaho.
No shit people…that’s what genocide is… haven’t we been paying attention.
They’ve been on that mission for nearly 70 years.
More than 75 years actually.
I can’t find the article (I forget the name of the incident), but the Jewish genocide of Palestinians predates the nation of Israel by at least a few years.
Anti-zionism keeps on truckin though.
The bigger the genocide, the bigger the “anti” becomes. It’s not a mystery.
I wonder if that number can get so large it reverses. This attitude continues long enough we might find out.
Only if the ones being killed are sworn enemies would there be a positive sentiment but that isn’t the case. At best the atrocities are not mentioned If there is a big advantage in trade, economics or military advantage. In this case it’s the military advantage for the USA that’s the key. If not they’d be known as genocidal maniacs until the current leader dies and memories fade after a few decades.
I mean… Yes?
Yes… for reasons.
The “gold standard in the field” is apparently to multiply the Hamas numbers by five. I’m not kidding. That’s where the 186,000 number comes from. This is low-effort bullshit.
Edit: Also this article is just wrong about what the 335,500 number is claimed to be. It is what you get if you extrapolate the 186,000 number to the end of the year, not to September.
The “Hamas” number is just the official number provided by whatever healthcare workers are still alive after Israel’s year-long explicit campaign to vaporise them.
Almost every conflict/genocide in history has way lower official death tolls because of exactly this: Either the victims are killed off before they can report their own numbers, or there is simply no means to confirm every death. If an entire family is crushed under rubble, you’re not going to be able to report that.
The numbers given (5x the official number or whatever) is through analysis of these historical tragedies and the discrepancy between the official/initial totals and the “accurate”/researched totals.
It might be crude, but it is much more reflective of the very visible disaster being allowed to unfold than the Gaza Health Ministry which is barely able to account for a hundred dead per day. It is likely even more, considering the thousands in death/torture camps set up across the Zionist state; Many of these prisoners were taken from work on October 7th/8th and haven’t been freed since.
The official Hamas number only includes bodies that have been bagged and tagged. This requires 1) a full or partial body able to be positively identified and 2) a functioning healthcare system able to do the identification.
Do you ever wonder why the official Hamas death toll has been stuck at around 30k for many months now, despite the near-daily massacres of 50, 100, or even 200 Palestinians at a time?
Sridhar based this rough calculation off of an estimate by public health researchers published in The Lancet in July regarding typical indirect death counts from previous conflicts, citing research hailed as the gold standard in the field.
This estimate includes people that haven’t died yet, but that die from causes that are attributable to the war.
I understand that that’s the intent. The problem is the methodology, which is as I said just multiplication by five. Calling it a gold standard implies that there’s actually some sophisticated analysis going on, and there isn’t.
The factor is derived from extensive analysis and sound research. and the factor 5 is on the low end. The spread easily goes up to 10 indirect deaths per recorded death. And that is with there being some sort of infrastructure left. Israel deliberately annihilated all of it and continues to do so.
To show you how silly your argument is. “it is just multiplication by some factor” is also applied to gravitational force and many other physical phenomenon.