Alt text: mod going MAD WITH POWER by inserting “rule” in the title of a post lacking it
(this is sarcasm, in case that wasn’t abundantly clear)
Literally 2024
Having ‘rule’ in the title isn’t even on the list of rules! This cannot be allowed to stand!
heyyyyyyyy, it’s me!!! that’s my post! :D
i cant believe these guys!!!
(To be clear, i put the “(rule)” there afterwards :> )
Oh shit it me
I hadnt checked the community info in a while lol
But seriously its a dumb rule. The only rule this community should have is The Rule
Adding rule to a title isn’t even a rule, reading the other limits they ask “please put rule in your title”, it’s just nice if you did but don’t let yourself be forced to do shit for decorum’s sake! that’s how babies were put up for adoption against the young single mother’s will even if the family could easily support them
it’s literally the same thing I am sure of it don’t let the propriety committee win
Exactly. It’s a slippery slope. First they force you to put “rule” in the title, then they take your children away. 50 years from now, historians will point to this post as the moment society began to unravel.
It’s always the classic not-rule to take-away-your-children slippery slope, they always warned us of that in school
I’ve posted here once and forgot the rule rule, I can’t believe these lazy mods never corrected me!
I’ve just reported you to the mods. It was nice to know you.
ruleported, surulely?