The parenthesis is not there to provide the cited source, but rather to specify what to do with the time that is given to us (watch the fellowship of the ring)
Well that’s the neat part, it’s by design. It’s not a coincidence that now when we are more connected to each other than ever, now that instant communication would make it possible to coordinate globally, the powers that be instead focus on divisiveness above all else, on misinformation and contrarianism above all else. A nation divided is too busy fighting each other to realize they can make it over the mountain.
The golden rule of the internet. Anything hated at release has a high chance of becoming beloved once those who grew up with become adults.
Truly bad stuff at release simply ends up forgotten.
Nostalgia is way more powerful than rage
It’s always the classic not-rule to take-away-your-children slippery slope, they always warned us of that in school