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Is this typical for ADHD? Maybe for the introverted type, but with ADHD people I instantly have crazy conversations nonstop
This is almost perfect for me, but I have anxiety along with ADHD and there should be conflicting orders like
“Make more eye contact” and “Stop staring at their face weirdo”
Introverts have absolutely no issues striking up a conversation.
Is it mentally exhausting? Sure. Would I rather be doing literally anything else? Yeah, probably. But introverts don’t automatically have social anxiety.I sometimes instantly vibe with other NDs like that.
With NTs, this seems far exaggerated compared to how I personally feel*, but like still not wrong.
*as far as I know
I think there’s more in the second panel for me. The conversation can continue and I’m still battling trying to retcon my introduction somehow because who tf says howdy. It derails my focus for the next minute of conversation. But I’m also paying attention so everything added to the conversation is piled on top of that and how I respond next needs to fit the flow of conversation and if I want to fix the weirdness of how I introduced myself…
If only I knew that this is not normal 20 years ago I would have been a different place today. So many internal conflicting voices/thoughts and it’s fucking constant.
So this is a thing with ADHD as well? I have social anxiety and man this hits close to home.
tbh I think it’s probably more of an autism / social anxiety thing but many people with ADHD have more than one disorder, so i thought it was still relatable, at least for some people.
I love the “This guy talks too much!”
I feel like this is played out advice, but, if you don’t have a family history of schizophrenia or personal history of psychosis…shrooms are nice.
They’re just difficult to obtain, at least for me
I don’t know enough details to point you to a specific website, but there are ways to order spores and then grow them using Ben’s 1 minute rice.
Damn. I’ve literally been thinking of doing shrooms but a sibling had an episode (BPD). I don’t want anything like that to happen to me.
goodness, the few days after a psychadelic trip feel so refreshing. Temporarily free of executive dysfunction, temporarily free of anxiety, temporarily just purely happy with a positive outlook ahhh, wish it lasted longer :(
so far no psychiatrist prescribed drug even compared to that feeling for me, well mostly because all those anti-anxiety meds either didn’t work or turned my anxiety into panic attacks lol
put down the phone when you get the message and all that, but dang is it a good way to break out of the usual struggle once in a while
Yeah, the anxiety and paranoia thing weakened for me a year ago after I took shrooms for the first time. The strength of the social anxiety and paranoia hasn’t come back, permanently weakened I feel.
hey that sounds great! :) for me it was suddenly being capable of saying no to people
i will never forget the moment it happened. it was (i think) slightly before ego death, but as my eyes were closed i saw myself looking at myself in the void of my mind, and the other me looked me in the eyes and said “love yourself more”. Then couple days later i realised i was capable of saying no to people, and prioritising my own wellbeing over people pleasing!