I don’t believe he would utter such truth.
I don’t believe he would utter such truth.
An easy why to end conversations is just to ask someone what the time is. Then repeat whatever they say really loud or shocked. Then you can just run out of the room and people will assume you were late for something.
But what if you use a gloryhole?
It was really just the first one he saw that they won. There were more timelines, Strange just got tired and picked this one.
You can find discounts sometimes like that with dairy. A farm might produce a lot of milk and before it goes bad they have to turn it into to something. Some companies can make the product in bulk and then sell it at a discount because supply and demand.
I’ve seen crazy deals with shredded cheese. Like buy 2 bags get 3 free at my grocery store. That’s sooo much cheese, but they would get more profit selling it at a discount then letting the dairy expire.
Depending on if spirits are effected by gravity, we might just be leaving a trail of ghosts through out space.
You’re getting down voted, but I agree with you. I think we are too close in time to get an unbiased process now at wiki. Most things take time to remove emotions and be able to look back with a critical eye.
I couldn’t ask certain questions about the 9/11 attacks because it seemed I was being unpatriotic. That I might be friendly with the terrorists. It’s like no, I just think the middle eastern man (from Iraq) working at the Eagle Mart didn’t have anything to do with Saudi Funded terrorism.
Idk a pic of 200 dead men with their face burned off might do something.
That sounds like the beat. It is crazy similar. I’ll check out the rest of their catalogue.
S3p5r found part of the song. More dance video and less garage band. That was an interesting song though. I’m kinda curious about more nonsensical songs about Gravy.
Link for those curious.
THIS IS IT!! At least part of it. There was flash animation and what not. Thanks for this. I, at least, downloaded part of the song for me to sing to her. Thank you kind stranger for your expertise. I’ve been looking for a while now.
Here is bonus Gravy.
I should have downloaded it when I had a chance, but I assumed it would always be there. I’m an idiot.
All of that. It makes a mesmerizing movement that I would just like to keep looking at.
It reminds me of that bank robbery that had wanted ads in the newspaper. It was to dress a certain way and be at the bank at a specific time. That’s when they robbed the bank dressed up how everyone else was. I can’t find the story but I think it was somewhere in the EU , maybe France.
Well shit. Who’s the secret boss after they all get greyed out then?
Our empathy was stolen from us by CEOs like that dead guy. This is the results of their actions. I’m not murdering. I just don’t care about catching him. I don’t care because of their actions.
I heard it was before. Probably just a look of peace and content because he knows his path is true.
Mana might be short for hermana since she said sis instead of sister. Maybe Spanish.
Would you consider this worse because it was years and wasn’t only physical? What word would you use to also encompass the extra trauma involved with this lie?
I can see why you would want to use a different word. Mainly to explain different scenarios of rape for people to be aware of, but I wouldn’t call it diminishing to other victims.