yellow blue green cyan teal lime orange red purple pink hot pink mustard white black
i forgot to count but should be enough! but also i’m cheating since i’m an artist
just me
yellow blue green cyan teal lime orange red purple pink hot pink mustard white black
i forgot to count but should be enough! but also i’m cheating since i’m an artist
i can name 3 atheles, and i’m not even sure of the 3rd one
i’m polish, i was very hard during the exam
your windows look spotless in this photo! woah
it’s a metaphor for the scheduled call’s big forehead
in my experience the leftover anxiety buildup will stick around even after the stressor is over. it takes at least a day to clear properly
gotta take time to start unwinding while the adrenaline is still running around or it’s going to hit you all at once
i use media player when i need to listen to 20 barely different background drone sounds to pick one from as it opens the fastest (apart from the times when it doesn’t)
but yeah to open anything that is a “”“strange”“” codec i use VLC too
i was once tripping on acid and noticed a pretty little spider in my garden, idk if it’s an orbweaver, but little man was certainly enjoying the flies that were attracted to my body heat lmao
windows also occasionally has stokes like media player thinking for a solid 5s and deciding it’s unable that file format (mp3), but then you close it and try again and a miracle! it opens
ohhh yes the battery slot! i play with that a lot often on my canon, though usually when i’m sitting down as i worry i’ll drop my battery lol
cameras are the best fidget toys, mind you, rather expensive if you’re only going to use it as a fidget toy, but if you’re into photography already ahhhh
i particularly adore the SD card slot opening, and the flash release, peak things to flick when i’m idling with my camera in hand
nooooo that’s the worst horny jail! the tops aren’t there in the corner with us and nothing happens :(
there’s also RSD (rejection sensitivity dysphoria) that can affect some but not all neurodivergent people - it’s an extreme emotional (for some even so bad it feels physical) reactions to real or perceived rejection. if anyone reading ever felt like or been told they are “overtly sensitive” or “overreacting” after something not that bad happened or was said to you - read up on RSD, it sucks hard but it’s comforting to know you’re not alone
my mild ocd only perks up when i’m stressed and then i wash my hands 5 times in a row because i need to grab my towel just right for my brain to stfu and let me get on with my life 😔
3 different hyperfixations at once? let’s fucking go
a game i don’t even really want to play more of today vs the dishes? best believe i’m adding another 12h to the steam counter
oh yeah it’s that one! yeah it’s a fan project. i see the person also working on interslavic worked on that one but it’s two separate projects
nah different, now i looked it up and there’s been quite a few projects like that, and i can’t find the original one that i remember seeing first
also i can’t read that lmao, i’m polish
i don’t get it, though other languages all at least partially use Cyrillic, Polish doesn’t. there’s some linguist fan project that made a “Polish Cyrillic” but historically the Polish langauge (as opposed to Poland itself as there’s been a few attempts at a russification during occupations) has never used Cyrillic
in my eyes they’re very different :D i don’t like pink, but hot pink is neat when used as an accent colour
thank you thank you