1 year agoKent Micronite filters contained blue crocidolite asbestos. Of the 6 known types of asbestos, crocudolite is the most toxic/harmful.
One study revealed smoking a pack of Kent Micronite cigarettes every day for a year would expose a smoker to 131 million carcinogenic crocidolite fibers.
A 1989 study of 33 people who worked in the Hollingsworth & Vose filter factory in 1953 found 28 of them died from asbestos-related diseases, including asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.
Animals who do not live up to thier names Dutch edition.
Dagger Crabs - Don’t have daggers and not crabs.
Ink Fish - Not actually fish.
Kwallen- Not actually a person.
American Eagles - Found all over Canada and upper Mexico.
Sea Coins - Can’t actually be used as coins.