I’m surprised they didn’t also coat it in radium to make it easier to find in the dark
That’s just pure evil
“Corporations would never hurt their customers, as it’s bad for business.”
That shit probably tastes fire af, as smokers our rights have been infringed once again…
All those little abrasions in the lungs allowing the nicotine to get into the blood stream even faster, these guys were living in 2952
Kent Micronite filters contained blue crocidolite asbestos. Of the 6 known types of asbestos, crocudolite is the most toxic/harmful.
One study revealed smoking a pack of Kent Micronite cigarettes every day for a year would expose a smoker to 131 million carcinogenic crocidolite fibers.
A 1989 study of 33 people who worked in the Hollingsworth & Vose filter factory in 1953 found 28 of them died from asbestos-related diseases, including asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.