In my town there’s a shop that sells rocks and crystals etc. They also sell sand dollars for $1. That’s right, there’s a 1:1 conversion rate between sand dollars and USD.
They probably never change that price either, so it’s actually pinned to the dollar.
Animals that live up to their acronym:
- Goat
Change my mind
Bat (useless as a blunt weapon)
Secretarybird: refuses to schedule my meetings
Animals that live up to their names ;
- Sea cucumber
- Woodpecker
- Babadook
Do babadooks actually dook any babas?
This is just because English sucks, or English speaking people suck at naming things. Let me show you how it’s done:
In Dutch:
Horseshoe crabs are called “dagger crabs”, and look what it’s dragging behind.
Cuttlefish are called “ink fish”, and tadaa.
Jellyfish are “kwallen”, which means roughly “annoying person”, and they’re pretty annoying.
Bald eagles are “American Eagles”, you’re welcome.
A sand dollar is called a “sea coin”, because of where it lives and what it resembles, which is way more accurate.
And a fly is still a fly.
Animals who do not live up to thier names Dutch edition.
Dagger Crabs - Don’t have daggers and not crabs.
Ink Fish - Not actually fish.
Kwallen- Not actually a person.
American Eagles - Found all over Canada and upper Mexico.
Sea Coins - Can’t actually be used as coins.
In Dutch, the Common Drone Fly is also called “Blinde Bij”, which means “Blind Bee”. This is because this animal is neither blind nor a bee and the Dutch are very good at naming things
Peacocks have cocks. Peahens do not.
Spider (doesn’t actually spy)
Peacocks have cocks. Peahens do not.
Peacocks don’t have a pecker in their privates. Instead of a johnson, they have a cloaca. No willie.
Animal that does not live up to its name:
cuttlefish - is not a fish
Animal that does live up to its name:
TIL woodpeckers have a massive wooden cock
I’m pretty sure ca. 50% of peacocks have one.
actually, all or nearly all peacocks have cocks. the ones that don’t are peahens.
Peacocks actually have no penis whatsoever. Be glad. You give a bird a penis and they get really into rape
See also: ducks
i wish i didn’t have to see it honestly. i saw duck rape too many times and it’s horrible every time.