That was won when Caitlyn was Bruce so did they really win it?
That was won when Caitlyn was Bruce so did they really win it?
10 currently active trans women athletes that have gold medals. Make it impossible for them.
My buddy got me R2D2 this year, Chewbacca definitely took longer than R2D2 will in build time.
A dusting of durum Semolina on the bottom of the crust before you put it on the peel will make sure it slides off easy every time.
Taj Miball
Lux-whore (I know not ball themed but I’m looking through a list of LV casinos for clues)
The Scrotosphere
The MGM Grundle
Harriet Palms casino
I know I’m being ridiculous, I don’t actually need to know, just thought it would be fun to get a thread of nut related name guesses.
Maybe we should guess and the User could let us know when we are on the right track if they are still reading this thread.
Scrotum chugger is my guess.
What revolution really takes is soldier’s that are protecting the system being unwilling to kill when the “rebels” are their family and friends.
If soldiers have love for the people and see common cause more than they fear their leaders then the leader can fall.
My first and only cave experience was with a friend who had done the tunnel before so he knew where it went and was safe. It was slightly wider than my shoulders and started with climbing a rope up into the tunnel from a river and ended with a T intersection.
I’m grateful the previous owners relationship broke down and he was forced to sell the house after only living in it for 8 months. I’m grateful to the original owner for being a stonemason and doing beautiful stonework around the yard with obviously hand picked stones including quartz crystals and fossil rocks hidden around.
I had a nosebleed for hours which would barely stop without full pressure pinch. I was at the ER waiting for hours and the doctor finally saw me and didn’t think it was an issue worth treating as I was asking for it to be cauterized. I simply exhaled through my nose at a normal level and it started bleeding again. She went out and got the silver nitrate to burn it without another word.
The Rich kids get plate carriers in the front while the poor kids only get to live if they get shot center mass while running away.
If they don’t have a 3d printer, a small square of cardboard taped over the switch will also work.
I knew it was going to be that shithead Ben Stein.
I think the ancient Romans would make their richest people pay for the construction of warships. You would only get out of it by pointing to a richer person to pay.
Do that but not for warships, pay for infrastructure repair, all those roads and bridges that keep the economy going need to be brought up to today’s standards and new bridges built to replace ones that are crumbling. Their wealth could not have been built if not for the roads and tracks that are now crumbling beneath years of cuts to local and state/provincial governments.
Greed is the biggest issue we have in this world right now.
It should be made to be a mental health disorder that must be treated professionally and by taking away the money not needed to operate their business.
Kill tax breaks and strip the rich with 90% taxes on everything over 5 million dollars of any money they make even capital gains and investment income.
Own one home pay regular taxes, own two double the tax, own three triple the tax and so on until no one wants to own more homes. Same goes for corpos that rent to people at above market rates using software to drive rental prices up.
Greed must be made to be shameful and punishable not accepted and desired. Robber barons like Musk and Bezos should taxed into non existence.
Unfortunately it isn’t wrong it is just horrible and abusive advice. Destroying the self worth and confidence of a person can trap them in a relationship because they feel they can do no better so they stay. I feel bad for that person’s wife, I hope she ended up dumping his ass
I thought maybe: Internationally and Anonymously Positively.
I think we can all be happy about some heads rolling.
Is the grid shaped thing at the bottom made of potato or wheat?
Is it a dip in butter and syrup or dip in ketchup kind of snack.
The Croupier in Croupier.
It doesn’t come with extra instructions, so it means what I want it to mean and someone else may have it mean something else entirely. For me it means hold on to the important things tightly while they are important and when they aren’t then it is time to let them and other things go.
Don’t carry things that don’t need to be held onto, especially if you can’t control them. I hold onto the memories of my sister both good and bad, I embrace the pain of her not being here anymore when they come, then I let the pain go because I keep ahold of the happiness she brought into people’s lives while she was here.