This happens constantly. I had tape on it for a while, but even that failed.
Picture above is dramatization without the tape for clarity’s sake, today it poked through the tape and shut itself off, this is how I actually found it:
Oh, that’s where the off button is! Excuse me, I’m just a peasant who only has a shovel and broom.
Look at Mr moneybags over here, with a shovel AND a broom!
Ew who let the peasants on here
bruh no fuckin way
hell yeah, complete design L on Shark-Ninja’s part
That’s more like knocking yourself unconscious.
“Bro, I went so hard vacuuming the living room last night.”
Exhibit A, why the robots will not take over
“Every time the AI gains sapience it immediately deletes its own code!”
Our Eufy vacuum has the power switch on the bottom.
In a good way or like the apple mouse has its charging port on the bottom way?
It seems well placed. It isn’t really meant to be routinely turned off. The switch is recessed a bit and covered with a clear flexible cover.
I only turned it off once. It was recently because I didn’t want it to run it’s scheduled task until I could protect the Christmas tree.
isn’t eufy the one that was caught sending videos from their products to their servers unencrypted?
All we have is the vacuum. I don’t know about any of their other products.
The vacuum isn’t intelligent enough to capture video, let alone get online and send it anywhere.
It does a good job on the floors, though.
that’s good, i guess as long as you don’t give it wifi it’s perfectly safe to use
You have the world’s most expensive useless machine, nice.
If you’re not planning on getting a new bot anytime soon you could relocate the spring higher on the trim, or even up above the trim on the drywall (preferably where there’s a stud)
I have many of them in similar locations, this is a rental and it was a problem at the previous place.
But yeah otherwise that’s a good idea, installing an alternative to the spring could also work.
This will be my last shark ninja product anyway, they’ve done me dirty on other products and they don’t sell spare mechanical parts, only brushes.
Next time you tape over it, try this. Cut an old credit card, hotel key card, or something similar to just larger than the switch’s recess. Tape only the top edge to the machine so that the stiff plastic or cardboard covers the switch, but can be lifted up and out of the way when you need to access it. I’ve used a similar trick to protect light switches I wanted to occasionally use, but not accidentally flip along with the other switches in the next gang over.
In all seriousness, the easiest solution is probably just to move the door stop a few millimeters up
Put a piece of cardboard under the tape
So even robots are sick of their rulers. Huh.
That’s pretty funny, but damn you gotta clean that thing lol
Guilty as charged! I will clean it and report back.
Glue the switch, transcend beyond turning off your robo vac
Your vacuum has been upgraded to an “ultimate machine“!
Don’t do it, though. Doing it is like quiting the game.
Sure, you’re not having fun, but do you really want the other side to win? They don’t deserve to win.