How deep can you go? Doom on Doom on Doom on Doom?
If I’m understanding this right, this makes it relatively trivial to port to any platform, right? You just have to set up a simple application to create a render surface, and start up the embedded Godot project.
This sound good to me.
As a programmer mainly I know how to work with code, but those skills do not transfer that well to the UIs of a game engine (I still don’t really understand how to effectively separate concerns in godots nodes and scripts) but if I could use godots rendering goodies from code-first environment (like raylib) that would be great.I’d love to see Godot embeds in flutter. Though I’d also love to use dart for Godot dev but I’m too lazy to help maintain the current very old pubdev package.
I’ve looked into this. For proper integration (e.g. not as a hack with platform views that require a ton of overhead and multiple separate rendering contexts) I’d need access to the native rendering API in Godot, and the engine doesn’t expose it in any way that I could find.
I’ve been following this proposal around for the past few months, it’s really interesting. Godot could be the de-facto library for complex 3D rendering in any app since it’s really feature-rich and not that huge (I think the runtime is like ~60 megabytes? It could likely be smaller with further optimization and stripping features you don’t need).
Also I don’t remember who said this but if this goes through it could allow C# web builds by loading Godot is a library.
Kind of a shame this came as 4.3 is in feature freeze, it would’ve been nice for it to be included in the next update.
Also I don’t remember who said this but if this goes through it could allow C# web builds by loading Godot is a library.
Yea, right now Godot with C# doesn’t really work - and they’re saying they’re transcoding it to HTML5 and WebGL 2.0
so I wonder if with this “LibGodot” you can just transcode LibGodot itself into WASM, and run “native” C#
Oh heck yeah. The first Godot driven VST effect? Yeah buddy… or clap. Do it in clap!