Have to assume those things are the best bang for your buck today.
How much weight am I planning on gaining?
My wardrobe is pretty minimal, but it’s mostly duplicates. So I feel like with my crappy hand backstitch abilities I can mend and patchwork things together for a while.
For whatever reason I wear two pairs of socks layered, and the outer wool ones do get holes that I probably can’t fix. So those socks would potentially be my limitation.
TLDR: I think I’m good until death - might only be wearing sandals in retirement.
What happened to Tazmanian Devil?
My lovely anxiety keeps it ever changing.
No love for eggs?
Could a person be extradited to Russia for a crime?
Is that good or bad.
Social media users in Vietnam on platforms including Facebook and TikTok will need to verify their identities as part of strict new internet regulations that critics say further undermine freedom of expression in the communist country.
The law, which comes into force on Christmas Day, will compel tech companies operating in Vietnam to store user data, provide it to authorities on request, and remove content the government regards as “illegal” within 24 hours.
Airplanes in general seem to be having a rough time as of late.
Yup - and I frequently use them - along with some of class and flow diagrams.
Mermaidjs markdown rendering is also supported on things like Github and Notion.
Obviously for more complex large scale architecture diagrams use something else. But I’d say that day to day I’m happy with Mermaidjs in working through and articulating problems for proposals, questions and documentation.
Now use it to generate a Gantt chart to provide an estimate of when the sandwich will be completed if two people are working on it.
For the same reason, I don’t like using CLIs.
I regularly self throttle to 5 Mbs – you’ll survive.
If anything there might be a slim chance that you’ll hit your data cap of 350gb.
Assuming you’re just doing 480/720p streaming you should be good. But if you download 2-3 recentish games that might kick you over.
You might try turning on data gathering on your router if it offers it to see how much you are using.
If possible - feel free to go on walks by yourself during breaks or go listen/watch something under a tree nearby but out of sight. Maybe find a coworker or two to go on walks with you.
You don’t have to go 100% social or antisocial - but maybe sprinkling in one or the other could help re-energize.
I typically have on-sites once a quarter and 4 days of meetings and dinners can be quite a swing from my usual remote hermit lifestyle. In addition to sporadic walk breaks between meetings, I will try to duck out an hour or two before we all go out for dinner – my coworkers are pretty understanding that I’m using this time to recharge or run/workout.
I didn’t bother to click and read – but might it be due to the missing/seized equipment?
I kind of just set the bar that “this” is the level of enthusiasm and energy you can expect from me – I’m not a cheerleader.
Improving your social skills is a valid goal. But in the context of a workplace – make sure it’s aligned. Will people listen to you and your guidance on a project? Have you built up enough rapport to delegate or assign work? Etc.
Served on a stool graced by many coworker’s butts.
Great color scheme.
Somewhere around now I try to get like 80% of things entered – then I procrastinate on the last %20.