“Can think for herself”.
Dude really wants to do the “Where do you want to go eat?” “I dunno, where do you want to go eat?” vicious cycle?
“Can think for herself” makes me thing they’re just trolling
You are underestimating christo-fascists and their desire for ultra traditional gender roles.
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Thinking for herself is a requirement in the industrialized world, since adulting is a subset. Maybe there’s a farm that raises gentle ladies-in-waiting with only domestic skills the way we train service dogs to help disabled people, but such women are not found in general society.
Also, not thinking for herself makes her unemployable in a society where all adults are required to earn a living (which often takes more than one full-time job). So this requirement implies the guy is rich enough to afford a family on one income.
In short, like the 1950s man, he’s not looking for a date or a wife. He’s looking for a household appliance. Kenmore will sort him out.
As for
the rest of us losersworking class guys, real women who think for them selves and can adult are an asset and a keeper. Heck, if they can think for us too, sometimes, that’s a bonus.Has all teeth ✔️
Yeah thats just too over the top
Having a penis conspicuously absent from this list.
Even this guy knows trans women are women. That battle has been lost and won.
Trans Inclusive Radical Misogyny, where trans women are inferior because they’re women, not because they’re trans.
“Can think for herself”
Give this man an inflatable fuckdollI’m seriously on the fence with this one. A couple of points make it really difficult for it to not to be satire, but I’ve met guys who would unironically think of “can think for herself” as a malus - but they wouldn’t admit it out loud. Now, can there be some kind of cave creature so pulled apart from civilized life that they would think this and post it?
I’m pretty sure this guy does want a woman who can think for herself. Otherwise he’s gonna have to tell her how and when to clean the house, plan and cook meals, take care of their kids, and manage the household…etc. He’s gunning for the Monkey’s Paw version of a tradwife.
He forgot to include “- Can recognize satire”
Yeah, this has to be satire, right? Right?
You’d hope so but it aligns way too close to a lot of the “trad wife” types for me to be too sure
That just means it’s good satire
Nah, good satire can be recognized as satire. This is indistinguishable from what some manosphere dudes post.
This man is basically saying out loud “Don’t date me, I just want a servant I can fuck.”
Vaping would be a deal breaker for me. Besides being douchy, I just plain don’t like it, just how I hate smoking. Piercings I probably wouldn’t like outa taste, but someone who can think for themselves is a must otherwise I’d get bored quickly. Not being able to cook would be somewhat problematic as I can’t cook well either, soooo…
You can learn to cook together 😻
For some reason I have a real bad phobia of piercings, which is unfortunate, as most hot people have them.
The only ones that really bother me are the ones that go through the center part of their nose like a cartoon bull. I can’t stop thinking about them getting crusty when you have a runny nose and it grosses me out.
Oh yeah I get that. I too think that it’s weird how these through the nose ones are so popular…