Is in the recommended ones of FMHY net so I guess it is some others said is also pretty good even tho it lags behind in updates. I confess I got a Balatro from there that for some reason heats up the device but it passed the virus scan so IDK.
Is in the recommended ones of FMHY net so I guess it is some others said is also pretty good even tho it lags behind in updates. I confess I got a Balatro from there that for some reason heats up the device but it passed the virus scan so IDK.
I saw a few in apkvision org idk if that’s what you are looking for.
What a fucking dystopia you live in… Saddening…
Goddamn the comments! We lewding with linux?! This is the fucking future!
Well men stonk stank so any time by now.
The article is from 2016?
I was under the impression the didn’t shared dependencies thus eating space.
Locked to flatpaks? aren’t they worried about the disk space?
Better engagement than Reddit at this point I’m starting to believe it’s all bots for real.
I see a static image seems I’m losing some higlights from the SK coup attempt?
Leave a man idle enough time and he’ll end up masturbating that’s where the relationship goes to the colloquialism for everyone. I cna tell you in Spanish we use the same colloquialism.
Is astounding how he manages to reach lower every time he gets into the news.
There is a difference in getting a project and prostitute the resources of the country. Which is usually the end of many so called developments around here in South America.
Terraja Peyote asesino.
Yes but the match goes for the first repetition the rest of the string isn’t matched no matter the length, again don’t find anything about prime numbers unless I checked something wrong. There is another guy who got it right it seems.
No cookie for me I just tried it in Notepad++ and VS code and it matches lines of one characer (first group I think) or the starting of a line that is an at least 2 characters string repeated twice (second group it seems)
so the second group matches
Nothing about prime numbers really only first repetition gets a match. Very interesting Honestly I used regex from years and never had to retort to something like this ever. I can only imagine it useful to check for a password complexity to not be repeated strings like I do for sites that I just want in and use a yopmail.com mail to register a fake user.
The story of the usb has it wild things. They knew that it had the problem of picking a wrong side but they had to make it cheap cause they feared manufacturers wouldn’t use it. In fact was so cheap apple decided it to give it a go first. That cheap shit had to walk first so USB C can fly.
They idocy went full circle. Crazy shit.
Glad to hear it sail safe mariner. 🤘