Edit: apparently this is a very common form of Japanese storytelling called an isekai. There are 8 billion people in this world, no idea can be original. And sometimes you miss out on things many other people know. I’m clearly one of today’s lucky 10000.
Trying to crowdsource your next Isekai, huh?
Die, probably.
Probably quite quickly, if the train was traveling at any significant speed when all of a sudden it had no tracks under it.
Go on Slack and say I’m going to miss the daily stand-up.
This is a person who has been isekai’ed into work
You wouldn’t have internet access. To be clear.
what are you talking about that’s literally already how underground trains already work
What trains are you going on, lol
One ticket to wherever he’s going please!
Trains are load screens.
First thing, try and breathe to see if the unknown new world has an atmosphere compatible with the one I’m accustomed to. If not, I guess I’m dead.
Second thing, determine if I’m in a wasteland / nature setting, or a civilized one.
Third, regardless of the answer to the second, take stock of my current resources and seek new ones. Water is highest priority, food second, shelter third.
Finding a weapon is definitely the highest priority. As soon as everyone starts freaking out they’re coming after anyone who has something they want. After the bloodbath you can use your weapon to get food or possibly help with making shelter, and you’ll be ready to meet the natives once they arrive – just in case they’re not friendly and are at a lower technological level than what you have available.
Most cultures don’t immediately leap to “better kill everyone else in the train so I can take their stuff.”
Some don’t, I’m not sure about “most”. Regardless, I’m not waiting around to see what kind of passengers I’m traveling with. If everybody plays nice and works together then that’s great, we all have a better chance for survival. You still need to protect yourself against any hostile natives or wildlife because everything you know about what’s safe and what’s dangerous just went out the window.
See how much insulin I have left in my pump and start preparing myself mentally for death.
Well congratulations to our newest isekai v
ictolunteer! While traveling through the portal your body absorbed magical energy and you gained a new power! The power you have gained is… The ability for your insulin pump to never run empty! Now go out and fight demons and monsters, once you have slain the demon lord you may return back to your original world, and as a bonus you will keep your power that you received!Lol. I mean, having a magician cast cure disease might also work
Sweet! How do I charge it?
Its been nine hours, i hope you havent died with my delayed response. Because, frankly, its very easy to charge your device. This applies to all electronic you might have had with you, so where you typically plug in the device all you do is touch that area and channel your magical power into it, this should come natural to you being in the new world. It goes at a good pace so dont worry time, but you do have to worry about your mana consumption, im sure you’re already aware of what happens when you run out…
You are overpowered by a demon who then has its way with you?
We might be playing different types of games…
Hmm perhaps. Idk how to proceed, maybe i shouldnt
Wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and… smell the ashes.
I don’t remember seeing you get on…
Hey you, you’re finally awake.
before Isekai, it was called getting Narnia’d. Last book happens with a similar situation
This. Of course isekai is a thing, but it’s not like the concept is exclusive to Japanese culture
The important difference is that if it’s an Isekai you get a harem and your story is less interesting than wet paper mache. If it’s a Narnia then you get Sunday school dressed up as fun.
You’re really not into this type of fiction, I get it
I thought they died on that train, and because they died they were brought to the end times/ revelations? It’s been a long long time since I read all the Narnia books though. I just remember lines of creatures coming before Totally Not Jesus and being judged as stars fell from the skies?
…or is that what’s happening in an isekai, and I’ve just not realized it?
There’s lots of flavor of Isekai as it literally just translates to Another World, but a running gag that has been meme’d ad nauseum is for a protagonist to be hit by a truck and die that they’ve named the truck.
Sometimes you put on a vr helmet. sometimes you save an old lady from Truck-kun.
deleted by creator
Pending Train is pretty darn close to what you’re describing. I only got through the first episode, it falls prey to a lot of annoying little tropes, but it’s a cool concept for sure.
It is, yeah! I’d never heard of that, thanks for sharing.
I would be shocked for sure but how would I know how to react if I don’t know what this new world is like? Does it look like a barren wasteland? Does it look like Dinotopia? Does it look like a different planet altogether? When you say ‘unknown’, is it unknown to me only or do you mean it’s completely devoid of any civilized/intelligent species?
It is exactly like our world, only all doors that you expect to open outwards, actually open inwards, and vice versa.
Then I won’t even notice I’ve world swapped until I meet my clone
Motha getting isekai might be worth a watch.
You look outside the train window and see what looks almost exactly like a forest on Earth, maybe something like redwoods, except the trees are much bigger than redwoods. A horse-sized dragonfly flits by. The front of the train carriage is crumpled, but there is a gash in the metal big enough to allow you to leave, if you desire, and to let the atmosphere in. You don’t feel any ill effects.
Okay, so I’m shocked and after a while I’m definitely hopping out of the train, presuming no emergency services show up. I don’t think I’ll last long if dragonflies are that large but I sure will die looking for them
Check for my super cheat powers and pick the first woman for my isekai harem.
I’m thinking odds are it’s either a busty elf or a cat girl 😜
Isekai harems are “all of the above.”
Hey sometimes they are flat chested autistic girls or 7,000-year-old dragons who happen to look like a 9-year-old.
Personally I’m interested in neither but I’ve read a lot of manga
Flat chested autistic girl here. Can confirm I’m in 3 harems with brave travellers from another world.
Congratulations on your success. Good luck defeating the demon lord or whatever evils plague your many lands.
bitch about SEPTA with other riders
Well I mean first off if everyone on the train was there you would want to discuss how to procede given the unknown part. I think the one person has it right in that I can’t think of something like it before narnia.