Lettuce. Dressing. One cheese slice. Less than 200 calories.
I never understood the “lose weight = salad and dressing” crowd.
You can pretty much eat whatever, as long as you are within your caloric limits.
Unfortunately (from my experience), this boils down to one “full” meal i e. Appetizer, entre, dessert a day.
I’ve lost 100+ lbs. on two or three occasions in my life. I always inevitably fuck up, get complacent, and put the weight back on, but I’m on maybe a four-year streak this time and still around 170 lbs. If I could have gone back in time and told my original 370 lb. self (circa 2007) that I didn’t just have to eat lettuce and run laps all day to lose the weight, I probably would have actually put in the effort to try. I hate that this misconception is so prominent. These days I just use my fitness pal and I do exactly like you said. Eat whatever the hell I want, but within the limitations I’m given.
You can’t outrun a bad diet. Exercise might build muscle tone and cardio, but it does shit all for losing weight unless you’re running marathons.
My mom worked for weight watchers for 30 years. I’ve never had a weight problem but I learned a lot from her when I wanted to shed a few pounds. The system they used was based on points, you were allowed so many points a day, some things had zero points and some things were surprisingly high in points. I bring this up whenever I see someone starving themselves or eating like a rabbit. Under their plan you can eat whatever you want, it’s all about portions. When people try drastic changes they give up easier
That just sounds like Calorie counting with extra steps
You do you man but dressing is never good.
And 200 calories is so little
I feel like the dressing alone is 200 calories