Did you also meticulously research how to close your comment with the lamest fucking sentence possible?
An invincible wolf man, who is like a wolf in every regard save for the fact that he can fly.
(Note: This might be misinformation)
Did you also meticulously research how to close your comment with the lamest fucking sentence possible?
It would just be dismissed as AI now. Everything like that will be dismissed as AI.
That’s one way of looking at it. I always perceived the distinction to be more of an intended disgrace upon ex-Americans who have left the country. “Guess you’re no longer a patriot then.”
It’s the (stupid) legal term of an American who has moved abroad. Even my tax returns are done through “expat services”.
I’m an expat who has been a permanent resident of Canada since 2017, and it’s a horror show watching Trump receive a second term and then turn on Canada. I know his threat of invasion/buying Canada or whatever is all peacocking, but if in ten years I’ve been thrust back into the American healthcare system, I’ll throw myself off of a bridge.
Heard an old bitch (Alberta) complaining yesterday in my store about something Joe Biden did.
You know, there’s actually another trilogy even better than Lord of the Rings that was never written because this exact scenario played out. You would have loved it, but the guy who killed the other guy really did everyone a solid.
I’m a Valheim guy myself. Pretty relaxing life out in the Meadows.
It’s honestly pretty fucking sad. It’s a bummer to see how many people on this planet become willful (sometimes) cannon fodder for some perceived glory that feels bigger than them, but in reality, their motherland is often just another gluttonous vampire slowly feeding on their necks and humming songs of heroism into the victim’s ear.
This man’s vampire probably watched his family starve with indifference, and then after this guy committed some sort of crime of desperation, it pulled him close, stroked his hair, and whispered that there was still a way to make it up to him. To make it up to all of them. And my, how proud you’ll make the motherland.
I’m not Christian/religious at all, but I still have a very deep nostalgia for classic Christmas hymns like Silent Night, O Holy Night, etc. I remember sitting beside my tree as a child listening to our music lights playing midis of all of them. The lyrics can be discarded entirely.
I dated one of those long-distance once and it was really fucking weird. We would have phone sex and she would want me to talk about myself raping her. I tried it once or twice and I was so bad at it that she stopped asking me to phone rape her. Last I checked she moved across the country to probably get fake-raped by another internet boyfriend of hers.
I can’t imagine wanting/needing to rape my wife. There are so many layers to that I don’t even know where to begin wrapping my brain around it.
I’m pleased with your positive review. I also adore the vanilla games and find the series to be deeply immersive and atmospheric. It’s difficult to put into words exactly how the Zone makes me feel, but it’s something that is as beautiful as it is haunting, and it’s certainly not lost on STALKER fans. It seems like you value the Zone in many of the same ways that I do, and if the missing A-life really hasn’t bothered you or felt as though it has stripped the world of something important, then maybe it’s not as big of a handicap as I had assumed.
I had played six hours or so and really liked it, but it ran poorly on my GPU (I’ve since upgraded) and I was worried the missing A-life was going to hinder my enjoyment of it. The r/stalker community is really toxic in that regard, and I regret poking my head in there.
Mainly the nostalgia of it. The familiar peaceful Christmas hymns and the way Christmas lights reflect against soft snow. My spirit drifts somewhere between commercial Christmas and Yule.
I put it on hold until the A-life is hopefully fixed, and because it ran like shit whenever I was in a social hub… But I also bought a 3070 Ti last night… To continue waiting or not to continue waiting?
For now I’m deep into Anomaly.
I was clearing three, sometimes even four Rockstars per day not too long ago. Just got to where they didn’t even affect me much, and cracking open fresh ones throughout the day just made me feel alert and good. I got it back down to just one every morning around 5 or 6am, with maybe a second in the afternoon once per week – usually on a Saturday or Sunday when running errands and trying to survive parenthood. I’m in my late-thirties now, and need to find an effective alternative, but coffee makes me feel poisoned… almost like there’s toxic metals coursing through my veins.
Tried pairing coffee with taurine to counteract the negative side-effects of the caffeine, but it doesn’t work quite as well without whatever witch’s brew they throw in with it in energy drinks.
Do you also leave a mix of both dirty and “clean” clothes laying about on the bathroom/bedroom floor all week, and then get irritated when your partner eventually picks them up and puts them in the dirty laundry hamper? 😅
My wife always just gets mad and implies that I (the primary cleaner of the house) moved or misplaced her perpetually lost items, and 10/10 times she figures out that it was indeed her own goddamn self who misplaced said thing. Truly, this has happened almost weekly for well over a decade and I swear it has never been me.
I don’t even get annoyed anymore. I find immediate satisfaction in knowing she’s eventually going to realize she played herself.
Dude has been marinating in fields of garlic for the past 38 years.
Do you believe that we are in any kind of high-road position at this point in time?