Two new squares appear. H9 and A0. Each contains a portal to the other.
A changelog of this week’s moves appears in B4
A full set of red pieces are placed on the board on random squares.
Communist Invasion
The knights all unionise and start a protest
GDI construction yard builds a power plant in H4
Are we going for a Mammoth Tank at some point?
Against all probability a sperm whale is called into existence along side a bowl of petunias several miles above the surface of the chess board.
The board is now injera and is flooded with various Ethiopian stews and vegetable dishes
That sounds delicious.
A knight on each size moves to an open field and grow to be 2x their original size.
each side* ?
The white pieces permanently rename themselves into the black pieces.
The black pieces permanently rename themselves into the pink pieces.
They refuse any moves directed at their deadnames.
Run those rules sequentially, every piece is a pink piece.
Didn’t think of that, i had it the other way around originally and thought the flow was better this way,
The flow of anarchy surely is.
Each piece moves one square up, wrapping around to the start it they are at the end of the board.
Zerg Invasion
Both kings get afflicted with explosive diarrhea
Making all squares adjacent to them brown
The Doctor arrives on h2
Construct more pylons