I can absolutely tell you the pitbull hate has arrived. I have 3 wonderful pits who adore our 10yr and 6yr niece and nephew. They cuddle up with them like teddy bears everytime they come over but according to people here, they want to maul the kids faces off…
How people can’t understand that it’s not the dog, it’s the trainer and environment the dog is brought up in.
Because pitbulls can be raised in a loving environment with great humans and you can do everything right and the pitbull can still be set off or triggered by something many years into its peaceful life and suddenly start attacking people. They can have a moment where they simply snap, and given their strength and determination, that’s dangerous and horrifying.
Where’s the line? Should normal people also not be able to have German Shepard’s since they’re also dangerous if not raised properly? I had a GS in the past and she was one of the best dogs I’ve ever had, amazing and funny personality and insanely loveable. But that’s because she was brought up in a house where she was treated right and raised right.
Blame the dumbass owners not the dogs themselves ffs. Just because you or someone else is scared of certain dogs doesn’t mean they should be blanket banned for everyone.
Nobody is blaming the dogs. The humans that bred then to have the instinct to never let go until their prey is dead, they are the bad guys here. It’s a bit like how pugs are fraught with health problems their whole lives because people think their funny faces are cute. Not their fault, but they have to live with it.
XL bullies aren’t evil. They’re just doing what their breed does. Unfortunately what their breed does ends up killing people quite often.
Or the opposite. I have had 2 rescues that have been amazing. The second has been a ton of work but it’s well worth it because he is one of the most loving and affectionate dogs I have ever met. I also believe that not just anyone should own a bully breed (or many other breeds of dogs for that matter).
In my neighborhood, it’s 2 Golden’s that are always running free and wreaking havoc on other dogs and people. Meanwhile we have the ‘dangerous one’ because he is a pit. Our dog is not permitted outside the house without supervision and a lead if we’re outside the fence (still supervised in the fenced in area). The one time he got out I yelled ‘heel’ and he came right back. Meanwhile, the goldens chase us (and most other residents) into our own yard while the own stands still from his garage just yelling at them but the goldens don’t care. They just bark and snarl and encroach in our (and others) yard.
I argue it’s the opposite of selfish. Giving time, money, and resources to care and save an animal that was abandoned doesn’t exactly seem selfish.
I’m all for rescuing as many dogs as we can as a society (regardless of breed), but serious thought and planning needs to be in place as there are a lot of incapable people out there.
Not yet but the neighbors German shepherd did bite our late dog’s noise and cause a laceration when they were first getting introduced. I don’t blame the dog. They had just rescued it and still needed socialization (our dog was just fine and it was a controlled environment).
I also have been bitten by a German shepherd that was a family’s dog. That one actually needed stitches. But again, it was a rescue and had a terrible temperament. They had the dog for a while but it was terribly trained and they shouldn’t have had the dog as they couldn’t control it.
Our neighbor’s dog is so sweet and just needed some work. I’m not sure what happened to the other dog but I didn’t want to press chargers or anything. It’s just a dog that needed cared for by someone capable.
Despite having bad experiences with German shepherds, I would never say it’s a problem with the breed. That’s just prejudice and ignorant.
It’s a statistics thing. Sure training has a lot to do with it, but these were dogs bred to be aggressive and thus are more likely to be aggressive, with equal training. On top of that, they were bred to be big and strong. So when they do attack, they can do a lot more damage.
It’s a dangerous combo. Yes I’ve known some super sweet ones. But there are so many other god breeds out there that score high on human compatibility and sociability with other dogs…the question is why even get higher risk dogs?
Statistically the breed is misidentified as well leading to many ‘pitbull’ attacks not being actual pitbulls. Again, I’m not saying they’re not dangerous or that just anyone should own one but they should be treated like any other dog of their ilk. Rotts, German Shepards, Cane Corsos, Dobermanns, all are capable of massive damage but there aren’t nearly as many of those in need of a good home and good guidance. The problem is there are SO MANY pitbulls. By adopting one, I’m helping save a life since they are killed in shelters so much earlier than other breeds. Just like I’m not having kids and if I change my mind one day, I’ll adopt. I can adopt a dog that is at-risk and turn around their life, why wouldn’t I?
My Maltese does not have the physical capability of harming me. No temperament test required.
Not scientific but from observing human behavior in my own weird family genetics mixup, I am convinced that creatures behavior is 80% genetics and 20% environment. And bull-breeds were bred to aggressively tear apart other living creatures.
There is at least an entire sub dedicated to hating on pit bulls. I think multiple subs. During its time a few years ago, one specific sub could make it to the top of r/all with 10,000+ upvotes.
You’re in for a treat, as Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik released a video last week, where he actually goes into those REddit dog subs. If you’re unfamiliar with this channel, please know it’s entirely satire, most of the time. Well worth a watch!
Yeah they’re here too. I think there’s a huge overlap in the demographics of reddit, this site, and really the entire Internet - white American dudes over ~35 . I’ve learned a lot about these people this demographic during my time on the web (mainly from places like reddit)
Not against pits (have a sweet 5 year old brindle boxer-pit mix myself), just was indicating what a lot of redditors basically would basically say whenever the whole idea of pits was brought up, and how I was almost always annoyed by it because it was in the realm of absolutes (pit mixes can be aggressive, but in fairness I’ve seen a few traditionally easy breeds be super aggressive). Apparently that seems to have been continued on lemmy as well. For reference, I’m talking about someone posting a vid or a pic of a pit mix doing something cute or innocuous and then one of the top comments would be how violent pits are.
pitbulls are disproportionately predisposed to all kinds of violence/mauling. Even though it’s not their fails since they were specifically bred for that purpose.
I wonder if Lemmy will be any more Normal about dogs than snoosite was
Update: prognosis is not looking good
I can absolutely tell you the pitbull hate has arrived. I have 3 wonderful pits who adore our 10yr and 6yr niece and nephew. They cuddle up with them like teddy bears everytime they come over but according to people here, they want to maul the kids faces off…
How people can’t understand that it’s not the dog, it’s the trainer and environment the dog is brought up in.
Because pitbulls can be raised in a loving environment with great humans and you can do everything right and the pitbull can still be set off or triggered by something many years into its peaceful life and suddenly start attacking people. They can have a moment where they simply snap, and given their strength and determination, that’s dangerous and horrifying.
And people who consciously decide to keep them in their own household, with their own children, are willfully ignorant or downright evil.
There is no reason to own a breed line that. You are just selfish.
Where’s the line? Should normal people also not be able to have German Shepard’s since they’re also dangerous if not raised properly? I had a GS in the past and she was one of the best dogs I’ve ever had, amazing and funny personality and insanely loveable. But that’s because she was brought up in a house where she was treated right and raised right.
Blame the dumbass owners not the dogs themselves ffs. Just because you or someone else is scared of certain dogs doesn’t mean they should be blanket banned for everyone.
Nobody is blaming the dogs. The humans that bred then to have the instinct to never let go until their prey is dead, they are the bad guys here. It’s a bit like how pugs are fraught with health problems their whole lives because people think their funny faces are cute. Not their fault, but they have to live with it. XL bullies aren’t evil. They’re just doing what their breed does. Unfortunately what their breed does ends up killing people quite often.
Or the opposite. I have had 2 rescues that have been amazing. The second has been a ton of work but it’s well worth it because he is one of the most loving and affectionate dogs I have ever met. I also believe that not just anyone should own a bully breed (or many other breeds of dogs for that matter).
In my neighborhood, it’s 2 Golden’s that are always running free and wreaking havoc on other dogs and people. Meanwhile we have the ‘dangerous one’ because he is a pit. Our dog is not permitted outside the house without supervision and a lead if we’re outside the fence (still supervised in the fenced in area). The one time he got out I yelled ‘heel’ and he came right back. Meanwhile, the goldens chase us (and most other residents) into our own yard while the own stands still from his garage just yelling at them but the goldens don’t care. They just bark and snarl and encroach in our (and others) yard.
I argue it’s the opposite of selfish. Giving time, money, and resources to care and save an animal that was abandoned doesn’t exactly seem selfish.
I’m all for rescuing as many dogs as we can as a society (regardless of breed), but serious thought and planning needs to be in place as there are a lot of incapable people out there.
Has those Goldens’ havoc ever involved spilled blood?
Not yet but the neighbors German shepherd did bite our late dog’s noise and cause a laceration when they were first getting introduced. I don’t blame the dog. They had just rescued it and still needed socialization (our dog was just fine and it was a controlled environment).
I also have been bitten by a German shepherd that was a family’s dog. That one actually needed stitches. But again, it was a rescue and had a terrible temperament. They had the dog for a while but it was terribly trained and they shouldn’t have had the dog as they couldn’t control it.
Our neighbor’s dog is so sweet and just needed some work. I’m not sure what happened to the other dog but I didn’t want to press chargers or anything. It’s just a dog that needed cared for by someone capable.
Despite having bad experiences with German shepherds, I would never say it’s a problem with the breed. That’s just prejudice and ignorant.
It’s a statistics thing. Sure training has a lot to do with it, but these were dogs bred to be aggressive and thus are more likely to be aggressive, with equal training. On top of that, they were bred to be big and strong. So when they do attack, they can do a lot more damage.
It’s a dangerous combo. Yes I’ve known some super sweet ones. But there are so many other god breeds out there that score high on human compatibility and sociability with other dogs…the question is why even get higher risk dogs?
Statistically the breed is misidentified as well leading to many ‘pitbull’ attacks not being actual pitbulls. Again, I’m not saying they’re not dangerous or that just anyone should own one but they should be treated like any other dog of their ilk. Rotts, German Shepards, Cane Corsos, Dobermanns, all are capable of massive damage but there aren’t nearly as many of those in need of a good home and good guidance. The problem is there are SO MANY pitbulls. By adopting one, I’m helping save a life since they are killed in shelters so much earlier than other breeds. Just like I’m not having kids and if I change my mind one day, I’ll adopt. I can adopt a dog that is at-risk and turn around their life, why wouldn’t I?
My Maltese does not have the physical capability of harming me. No temperament test required.
Not scientific but from observing human behavior in my own weird family genetics mixup, I am convinced that creatures behavior is 80% genetics and 20% environment. And bull-breeds were bred to aggressively tear apart other living creatures.
This must have flown right by me, but what was Reddit’s attitude?
There is at least an entire sub dedicated to hating on pit bulls. I think multiple subs. During its time a few years ago, one specific sub could make it to the top of r/all with 10,000+ upvotes.
Reddit really doesn’t like pit bulls.
You’re in for a treat, as Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik released a video last week, where he actually goes into those REddit dog subs. If you’re unfamiliar with this channel, please know it’s entirely satire, most of the time. Well worth a watch!
Yeah they’re here too. I think there’s a huge overlap in the demographics of reddit, this site, and really the entire Internet - white American dudes over ~35 . I’ve learned a lot about
these peoplethis demographic during my time on the web (mainly from places like reddit)“All pits are violent and will maul any passing child.” It was pretty annoying.
I should remind my pitbull of that fact then. He’s super sweet around children, guess he forgot to attack them all this time 🤷♂️
Not against pits (have a sweet 5 year old brindle boxer-pit mix myself), just was indicating what a lot of redditors basically would basically say whenever the whole idea of pits was brought up, and how I was almost always annoyed by it because it was in the realm of absolutes (pit mixes can be aggressive, but in fairness I’ve seen a few traditionally easy breeds be super aggressive). Apparently that seems to have been continued on lemmy as well. For reference, I’m talking about someone posting a vid or a pic of a pit mix doing something cute or innocuous and then one of the top comments would be how violent pits are.
What would you do if your pitbull hurt a child?
Probably delete the comment for one
pitbulls are disproportionately predisposed to all kinds of violence/mauling. Even though it’s not their fails since they were specifically bred for that purpose.
Dogs? Yes. Satan incarnates born to kill? No.