Can you show me a state that has no zoning laws, or something similar, that is also having an issue with housing prices?
Can you show me a state that has no zoning laws, or something similar, that is also having an issue with housing prices?
I’m far from a “the free market solves all!” Type of person, but this is more likely due to government intervention, with zoning laws that restrict the density that can be built in certain areas, rather than a problem with the the free market run amok.
Like it’s insane that nearly 40% of the land in San Fran is zoned for single family. This is government doing, not the free market.
We need more housing to alleviate the problem. But what we also need is a mindset shift of the everyday person that they aren’t getting a 3k sqft house on an acre of land.
Maybe other than getting shit-faced and coming home at 8am, everything you describe has been something humans have been dealing with forever. We can make it work again.
I also totally agree with you, I don’t want to go back. . . I just understand that I have to pay for that privilege. lol
Multigenerational homes, or living with a bunch of people, was the norm until less than a hundred years ago. It was only a brief period of time of immense economic and technological growth that we saw people living independently in large numbers. We’re just watching a regression back to the mean. And I don’t know how we avoid it with a growing population, and not everyone wanting or willing to live in a city.
It’s click bait. Using exponents are not as eye catching.
This is another empty post. I’m done.
The claim you made about it being the fault of capitalism is ridiculously empty in the face of the fact that their country is led by fascist, totalitarians.
What did I say that makes you think i am a coward?
Putting words in my mouth and then whining about me pointing out that this i reveals how your argument is, instead of actually addressing any actual points I made. And I’m sure you’ll continue to do so.
Something about capitalism being amazing?
Lol you just can’t help yourself but put words in my mouth. Amazing.
Sorry I forgot youre just a child. I’ll make it simple:
You’re an intellectual coward and an uninteresting troll.
Going back to the well with the “old and wise” bit? If you are going to turn it into an insult war, because you know you can’t make a point, at least make it interesting.
Debate like a child, get treated like a child. What can I say?
What a useless nitpick, especially since it’s incorrect.
I’m not the one being an asshole
If you need to make up what the other person said in order to make your point, and try to maintain it even after they’ve corrected you, it should lead you to realize how weak your position is.
Nope, but I know I have faith in my position, which you obviously don’t have.
thinking I’m in favor of corruption
Except I don’t think that, nor did I say anything that even remotely resembles this.
So what made you think I got you wrong…if you think I was right? This is making less sense as we go.
Nothing in your post indicates that my criticism of your point was wrong.
I’ve got a very good sense of humor, and even with the claim that it was a joke, it still doesn’t make sense. Ya just missed.
Explain in some detail as to how this is connected.