World War is not the solution you think it is
World War is not the solution you think it is
It’s only legal if you have enough boards
So this was a screw up on reddit’s end and also broke their official app for some people. They seem to have rolled that change back as of this morning. My revanced copy of baconreader works again
There is at least an entire sub dedicated to hating on pit bulls. I think multiple subs. During its time a few years ago, one specific sub could make it to the top of r/all with 10,000+ upvotes.
Reddit really doesn’t like pit bulls.
Is it really an ad though? If you aren’t using edge it’s because you prefer something else, not because you don’t know about it. Microsoft tries hard to maintain edge as the default.
It’s not like this post highlights its capabilities or makes an argument for edge vs other browsers.
People on reddit genuinely don’t know because the L word gets the ban hammer there
The concept that the internet doesn’t cost money harkens back to the days when the only people who were hosting content were community driven enthusiasts. The fact that “shit costs money” is even an argument here is a symptom of the greater problem that corporatism has invaded a community space for profit.
I guess you can argue that corporatism has made the internet more accessible, to a degree. Really corporatism has only increased the exposure of a handful of social media sites. But that doesn’t really change what their goal is, which is to squeeze money out of people trying to socialize.
Now that they have invaded what was once a space for enthusiasts and tech minds, made it into a people trap and scape money off the backend with metadata, the idea that they’re now asking people directly for money that they can no longer make due to their government protecting them is grotesque and an absurd direction for services like these to go in.
Don’t pretend like Facebook, youtube, et al don’t make enough money hand over foot to just to cover their operating costs already. They’re asking for money for profit. Billion dollar companies are now asking directly for profit because they can’t extort a newly formed protection.
I suppose selling a better experience is one thing. There’s legitimacy in that. Although selling a reprieve from a bad experience that you created (youtube) is a bit like creating a problem to sell the solution, which is still fucked.
Foot the bill directly
Too real. Facebook is currently attempting this “feature” in the EU
Any response other than “I already have” or “I donate resources” paints you as an armchair hypocrite who doesn’t have the credentials to understand, let alone have an opinion about this conflict.
You my friend, are the one who is adorable.