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Work (when at work - for not work stuff on my phone 😈) and agree with the rest
I’d probably go either to Lowes or Walmart.
Walmart requires an email now, but I set up an anonymous email just for that.
Email: [email protected] Password: Walmart1
It’s registered in their system to the name Anonymous Human. Feel free to use that to access Walmart WiFi anonymously. 👍
Add it to the database!
Not knowing the exact URL for their web portal (which I’m pretty sure isn’t public but only a stopgap within their own WiFi network), I checked bugmenot for
I got this error… logins
This site has been barred from the bugmenot system.
Sites should only appear blocked here if they match one or more of the following criteria:
Pay-per-view: users pay money to access the site Community: users register only to add/change content (but not to view) Fraud risk: user accounts contain sensitive details e.g. banks, online stores, etc
I’m not sure what their web portal page URL was or I’d check and add it. Either way, anyone can pull the same trick themselves using any random [email protected]
I’m not at Walmart right now to check their web portal page, and my current internet connection is apparently being slow as molasses, but I’m saving your comment to check later…
Grew up in a home without an internet connection. A friend helped me crack our neighbour’s WiFi password, at the time it was surprisingly easy if you had a copy of Kali Linux.
Edit: This post got me wondering how I could open up a free WiFi network without being liable for any potential illegal activity someone may do? I got a fairly good access point and the bandwidth to spare, but I am afraid to share it in case the police comes knocking on my door…
Ahhh. Good old WPA1
If you don’t have mobile coverage, the local library or community centre. MacDonalds is also a popular option.
McDonald’s is a no-go in my area, they locked out access to any other site except ☹️
DNS or IP?
Not exactly sure, but it seems to be locked on their web portal / firewall level.
Bar down the street has free WiFi and food. So probably there. The library is all the way across town, so not a great option for me.
Or there’s another bar close enough to my house that I could probably make an antenna and leech off that. I did that with on base housing back in the day cuz I didn’t want to pay for internet.
When I didn’t, I would walk three blocks to the library with my laptop once a day to check my email, read webcomics, look up GameFAQs and stream Gossip Girl.
Maybe the “GameFAQs” gives it away but this was before smartphones.
Coffee shops.
Work I guess
School, bus station, many other places of my city with free internet.
I also used to steal neighbor’s WiFi for years. Since I was 8 until I was 14. But for larger downloads I used public networks. By larger downloads, I meant >50MB. Yeah. Huge. Though I was watching YouTube quite a bit, usually at 144p/240p. In the end I still spent quite a bit.Currently I just use mobile data. Still no normal internet connection at home. But hey, my school finally has symmetric gigabit. The only problem is, most classrooms are connected via Fast Ethernet.
Def the library. Half the people at my local library are there for that exact reason.
At the library
Library, I can walk there. Assuming you also mean no phone home.
Work because I use it at work for work reasons.
My local library is quite and has comfy seating and I already go there. So if u had no mobile data or home wifi I would do my interneting there.