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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • We have two guinea pigs.

    Very often, guinea pigs are named after food. Our two rescues came with food names. However, everything eats guinea pigs and I feel it’s wrong to name them after food. We changed their names.

    We named them after two characters from Downton Abbey: Daisy and Rose. Plants are the only living things that fear guinea pigs, so they are nice, powerful names for them.

    Daisy in the background, Rose in front.

  • You can talk about Trump liking them because they are fellow child-rapists, but the reality is, that isn’t enough. Trump doesn’t care about anyone but himself. For his administration to go to the effort to help this scum escape prosecution, there has to be something in it for Trump or someone high up enough in the administration to convince him it should be done.

    The tricky part is figuring out which of the many child-rapists in the current regime was the one who cared enough.

  • Cats are territorial. You are relying on just luck that they will get along. You’re much better off not trying. Your cat doesn’t want a friend.

    Four “add another cat” stories for you:

    1. My oldest had a cat and decided to get another cat after quite some time. However, the first cat had already established the entire house as her territory. They followed all the recommendations to try to introduce a second cat, but it made no difference. Now they can’t bring themselves to give up cat #2, so they have divided their home up to keep the cats separated.

    2. My second child and his fiancee had one cat. They decided to add two more. Their cats fought. When they tried to keep the new cats in a room and introduce them gradually, their old cat was so violently opposed to their presence that it tore apart the carpet under the door trying to g et at them. However, they ended up moving. Once in the new apartment, all three cats stopped fighting.

    3. Many years ago, a co-worker agreed to take a third cat. There was no fighting between the cats, but one of her cats was not happy. He started peeing on every surface he could get to. If you think the cat wasn’t doing it intentionally, he straddled her toaster so he could pee into it. Cats know how to communicate their displeasure. By the time she was able to re-home the new cat, the damage was done. Apart from the small appliances she had to replace, she had to rip up the floor in her house and replace it to get rid of the smell of cat pee.

    4. My wife and I added a second cat years ago, but we did it at the same time we moved into our house. There were some fights between them, but they were just because of their personality differences. The new cat was young and wanted to play, while the older cat had reached the stage of life where he wanted to see how much fat he could gain. She would attack him and chase him around and that would piss him off, but they usually got along and he got in better shape. When she got too obnoxious for him, he would chase her under the TV, and make her stay there in time-out.

    So, based on my experience, the only time you can safely add a cat to your home is when you move.

  • I think it’s more like:

    Your neighbor’s house is burning down, and they’ve been stacking dry branches, twigs, and leaves on the side of their house that faces yours, and their kids illegally turned on a hydrant to play in and never turned it off so there’s no water pressure, and you see embers floating towards your roof.

    I think we’re at the stage where it’s time for Canada to get out the earth moving equipment and dig a fire break between us.

    I don’t think they expect us to care, it’s more like they’re coming to the rational conclusion that we’re a lost cause and they need to protect themselves from the dumpster fire we started.

  • Yeah, my wife (optometrist) gave me shit about cleaning my glasses with paper towels because they scratch the lenses.

    I wear my glasses into the fucking ground because I have a big head and it’s difficult to find frames that fit. I’ve literally bought multiple identical frames and shifted the lenses in between and swapped parts to not have to get new frames.

    I’ve never ever had to replace a lens because of damage from a paper towel. The only scratches I’ve ever gotten in lenses was from dropping my glasses and having them skid across pavement.

    The only times I’ve replaced lenses was because my prescription changed or because I no longer had enough functional parts to rebuild the frame.

    Having said that, when my wife had her practice, I was basically getting everything at cost, and she could bring frame reps in with their entire catalog to pick through. So, I got used to getting new frames more often (every five years or so). I also ended up with bunches of microfiber cloths, so I distributed them around to everywhere I go. I have one at work, one in my car, one at my desk at home.

    So, I do things the “right” way now, but only because my personal experience led to it being easier than going to get a paper towel.

    When she got disabled and we had to sell her practice, we kept a couple boxes of lens cleaner too, so we’ll probably never need any more. One large bottle seems to last about 10 years and we’ve got around a dozen. When we die, the kids will each be able to inherit a couple bottles of lens cleaner.

  • Yep. I attended a Quaker wedding a while back. There is no officiant. For the wedding everyone just sits there staring at the bride and groom, and you’re supposed to just stand up and talk if the spirit moves you. It felt very odd for us non-quakers in attendance. I don’t remember how they decided it was over. I know there was a long period of total quiet that had me starting to think I should stand up and say something, but thankfully someone broke the silence.

    My grandfather was a Quaker. He wouldn’t beat my father, which is a shame because my father really needed some good beatings. My grandmother wasn’t a Quaker, and she would break yardsticks over his ass often enough that she bought boxes of them. However, it clearly didn’t have enough impact.

    I also live near a Friend’s Meeting House, and there are a bunch of well-established Quaker Schools in the area. If you can afford to pay for a private education for your children, they are supposed to be excellent.

  • I fell down concrete steps and rolled into it and came back on my feet relatively unscathed.

    I wasn’t paying attention walking along the sidewalk and tripped over a step. I tried to pull my other foot forward to catch myself, and that foot got hung up on the step too.

    I ended up doing a forward roll and landed on my feet.

    I had been taking karate classes with my kids, but I didn’t know I actually learned anything.

    A while later I saw they had put large concrete planters next to the step, so I don’t think I was the only one to trip.

  • Many years ago I was painting stars on a bedroom ceiling for my oldest’s third birthday. I had been running the ceiling fan in the room for all the other painting to help it dry faster, and it didn’t occur to me that running the fan while I was on a ladder painting stars on the ceiling wasn’t a good idea.

    To be fair, I got most of them done before it went bad.

    The ceiling fan hit me in the head, and I heard a stadium crowd cheering the home run as I flew off the ladder and landed on my back.

    I managed to get a bruise that went around the front of my head. It looked like my skull had flexed.

    I decided I had painted enough that day.