A real catch-22. If you can complete it, rejected. If you don’t complete it, rejected.
So maybe the answer is to just partially complete it?
Or draw a dinosaur instead. Worked in high school.
I remember taking a short test that the psychiatrist who diagnosed me used as a small part of her assessment. She kept asking every minute or two if I was done, which I would later come to realize was just part of the test. Probably fifteen minutes later, once I was done writing half a page of answers in the unusually tiny spaces between lines, I handed it back to her. She took one look at it, gave it back to me, and pointed at the instructions at the top of the page which basically said to just circle the right answer, something that wasn’t at all clear from context alone unless you actually read the instructions first. It wasn’t multiple choice but all I had to do was circle a word in each sentence which wouldn’t have taken me much more than about thirty seconds. That was apparently the real test, not the actual questions, and so I failed (or passed?) miserably.
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Intentionally tone deaf system strikes again.
Is the cheapest way of helping people!
“We tried”
Also don’t forget your mandatory call to the doc each month for every refill
and don’t forget to call a day early when it lands on a weekend
and don’t forget to setup the mandatory appointment every 6 months
and don’t forget to actually go to the appointment
and don’t forget to schedule a drug test once every whatever-amount-of-time it is for your state
and don’t forget to not eat or drink or take the medication the morning of the drug testCause if you forget just 1 of those they’ll obviously have no choice but to deny you the medication you’ve been taking every day for 10 years. But you understand because punishing disabled people for mistakes/crimes of able-minded people (who don’t find those things challeging), is clearly the only option they have.
What’s up with the drug test part?
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I actually get SSI and a large part of my diagnosis is ADHD. I had a caseworker bring me in to the office and do that part in person. I was never able to coherently do doctor visits, but I am very not bound by human norms. So I faxed the SSA office repeatedly and eventually had typed over 100 pages detailing every little detail of how a frontal lobe injury at age 2 affected me and exactly how I differ from humans. I typed on days where it was just me typing what my day contained and for long enough they got to see my energy go from very wow in one way to very wow in another. The judge eventually approved my case before the hearing. Remember they don’t know you. You are just someone like any other unless you somehow let them see who you are. Tons and tons and tons of people with no incomestopping disability at all simply give an attorney a chunk of what they will get and have the attorney make it happen. If you, like me, are not capable of wading through the infinite beauracracy, I believe you have to do something beyond the norm to let them see you can’t. Yes the system is set up wrong. Mentally normal people can wade through the muck easy. People the system is meant for cannot.
Really though the government of the place we call home should be something we are proud of
seems it’s up to us to make it this way since it starts so bad
I had to get illegal adhd meds in order to get through the process of getting my medical approval to take legal adhd meds
Hey Bob, another ADHD claim came in.
Bob: send them the extra long questionnaire, they’ll never finish!
I know Bob’s the go-to name but I’d much prefer if you didn’t use it for cunts.
Karen: Hey Bob! Why you always mad?
Bob: Because people with my name keep doing cunty things.
Karen: …
I used chatgpt to answer the questions and then got lazy to copy and paste it and mail it out. So… Yay?
I had ChatGPT make a step by step plan for addressing the mold issue in my apartment. It was a life saver.