Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other European leaders have applauded the US for passing a vital €89 billion aid bill which has been struggling to make it through the House of Representatives for months.
The House swiftly approved roughly €89 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel and other US allies in a rare Saturday session as Democrats and Republicans banded together after months of hard-right resistance over renewed American support for repelling Russia’s invasion.
With an overwhelming vote, €57 billion in aid for Ukraine passed in a matter of minutes, a strong showing as American lawmakers race to deliver a fresh round of US support to the war-torn ally. Many Democrats cheered on the House floor and waved blue-and-yellow flags of Ukraine.
The republican traitor filth should be sent to the front, to fight for their motherland.
Fuck Russian scum, I hope the US missiles and tanks fuckin hurt. Putin is a goatfucker too.
This should be banned for hate based on national origin
You have more in common with the Russian working class that is being sent to die in Ukraine than you have in common with American billionaires.
Putin, Russian Oligarchs, and American Oligarchs are your enemies. Not the common Russian men that are conscripted against their will to die for no reason
Cry harder that the Soviet Union collapsed and left the majority of Russian males a bunch of hopeless drunks obeying a piece of shit dictator like Putin. Cry harder that Ukraine resisted an unwarranted invasion based on fear of Russia’s continually waning power. Cry harder that Wagner almost kicked Putin’s ass and caused the Kremlin to have to backtrack.
When I say “fuck Russian scum”, there are plenty of good hearted Russians, but the scum, fuck them. Putin is scum, btw, a piece of shit goat-fucking wannabe BITCH.
If this war is so important to you, why are you not over there right now fighting instead of a conscripted Ukrainian?
Get back to servicing putin’s schlong, traitor.
Oh wow, what a unique insult…
Oh geez…you’re spending way too much time on Lemmy/Reddit…Republicans are all in favor of helping Ukraine, they’re just more careful about sending billions and billions and it becomes an endless money pit…that shit happens all the time, and the Republicans are the “traitors” for questioning why and where all the money is being sent. If it was up to Democrats, there’d be NO questions… just send money!
I didn’t see them pinching the pennies when they were trying to build pointless their 2000 mile border wall
“The United States needs to stop getting involved in everyone else’s business” - Sincerely, The World
“The United States needs to do more to get involved in everyone else’s business” - Sincerely, The World
I swear… if it’s not a war that’s supported by the Left, than we’re all traitors for questioning the finances behind it…
Dont lump democrats in with the left, we see them as right wing
Get back to servicing putin’s dick.
Hey man, I’m all in favor in helping Ukraine, I think we should absolutely do what we need to do…as do most Republicans. However, if history has taught us anything, it’s also that we cannot be an endless money pit for European affairs. I have no issues giving Ukraine money, but I think it’s always a good thing to question everything.
I’m genuinely thankful you’ve made it this obvious how much of a fucking moron you are as I can block you immediately and get on with my day.
Let me guess, only left politics and democrats are your happy place? God forbid anyone disagrees…
Anybody who will actually take the time to read your comment by this point knows you’re full of shit. Republicans aren’t the party of fiscal responsibility. The only situation in which they actually care about saving money is if it saves money for their 1% handlers.
So, there should NO questioning funds that are sent all over the world? The US should just say “here, take whatever you want!”
Why are you being down voted? Is this place becoming an I support the current thing place too?
Yes, it’s Reddit 2.0: “This is a Liberal/Democrat site ONLY!”
Russia disagrees.
Who cares what Russia says? They’re also claiming Ukraine is rightfully there’s…the point is to make sure the funds are doing what they’re supposed too. If both sides just say “here, take whatever you want!” what good is that? It’s about checks and balances, we don’t want this to turn into another Vietnam…