Yeah I am in my 40s and I when its quiet I hear that squealing and I really cant hear what I used to.
Yeah I am in my 40s and I when its quiet I hear that squealing and I really cant hear what I used to.
And I am sorry you dont understand needless wars. Just dont include me or my family in your stupid wars dude.
I am sorry I didnt pretend anecdotes were foreign policy.
You talked to putin and NATO?
Oh yeah totally means nothing when they will literally go to war over the thing that means nothing. The issue is that nothing I can say will get across to you because you have believed the propaganda.
In early 2021, the Russian military began massing on Ukraine’s borders. At the June 2021 Brussels summit, NATO leaders reiterated the statement made at the 2008 Bucharest summit that Ukraine would eventually join NATO.[10] In late 2021, there was another massive Russian military buildup around Ukraine. Russia’s Foreign Ministry demanded that Ukraine be forbidden from ever joining NATO.[11] NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg replied that the decision is up to Ukraine and NATO members, adding “Russia has no right to establish a sphere of influence to try to control their neighbors”.
From the 2008 Bucharest summit
Georgia and Ukraine had hoped to join the NATO Membership Action Plan,[3] but, while welcoming the two countries’ aspirations for membership and agreeing that “these countries will become members of NATO”, the NATO members decided to review their request in December 2008.
This meeting was held in April and Russia invaded Georgia in August. So yes, Ukraine was wanting to join nato for years.
Why would NATO want to even consider having Ukraine join if it was the brightest of red lines, and very likely would end in war?
NATO didnt force them to invade but it highly encouraged it. Russia said that Ukraine was the bightest of red lines and we saw what happpened to georgia when they were trying to join nato. There is no good reason to have Ukraine in NATO it brings much much more trouble than its worth, but NATO did it anyways knowing that it was considered an existential danger by russia.
And when the war goes global or nuclear and the US sends troops overseas for you dumb war, are you going or are you going to try to force my kids to die for you instead?
You are claiming that they can do what they want, but that is backed by boots on the ground. Is that going to be you, or are you going to force my children to fight your wars?
Im rubber your glue…
So wishing/advocating someone murdered is a “slight”?
I thought we were going with “freedom of speech not freedom from consequences”?
So are you going to be the one sent overseas to die in a country that most people dont care anything about?
They probably do feel threatened also by those countries, but not the same as Ukraine and Georgia. And they are doing the most they can do. Where do you think this ends? Nuclear war? Why do you suddenly care about a shitty corrupt country like Ukraine?
Nope… It doesnt make sense.
Uh… this is not the kind of statement you can just switch the names on and it makes sense…
You are just repeating the propaganda talking points. NATO knew that it was the reddest of red lines, and they did it anyways. You can not like it, but its the known consequence of the action.
You should be asking; why would NATO take a completely unnecessary action that would cause a war. But I guess if you keep looking at russia, then you wont think about what is happening.
What did the US do when the soviet union was going to put missles in Cuba?
You can not like their beliefs, but this was was completely avoidable, and the idea that russia invaded Ukraine and Georgia due to expansionism is a lie, and the people telling you this are aware it a lie.
This is shallow, but here it is… When you are dating to marry look at the womans mother to see what her weight will probably be like after having kids. If her parents are big, she will probably be big.