Trump is tired of the US getting ripped off… everyone, and I mean EVERYONE uses the US for money…yet, most of ya’ll would rather see your own country burn than support his “America first” motto…
Trump is tired of the US getting ripped off… everyone, and I mean EVERYONE uses the US for money…yet, most of ya’ll would rather see your own country burn than support his “America first” motto…
I got arrested in LA years ago and had to do this, is it different for women? Do they not need to squat to make sure there’s no hidden objects?
Spotted the liberal. “if I disagree with you, than YOU must be the stupid one!” lol…
“are you including those imprisoned” oh brother…spotted the liberal.
Oh brother… so, what do you suggest? Go back to the old ways? How about we ask the majority of Salvadorians what they think?
Please, tell us all how El Salvador should do it? Go back to the old ways?
So, go back to how it was before? Is that what you’re saying? There’s either this way, or the way it was before. Ask the people of El Salvador what they prefer.
Only people on the Left, hardcore liberals are complaining about the job he’s doing. Because you know, low life scum criminals deserve to be treated with dignity.
Dude, when we help Israel, all of a sudden, America’s bad… but, helping Ukraine is good because it’s “stopping that evil empire Russia!” What about the evil empire of Muslim terrorists? If Israel falls, it’s only a matter of time before their surrounding Muslim countries start trying to expand even more.
No, but I love how some of you think “We only want the US to be the World Police when it’s convienant for SOME, but not others…”
And that’s the US’s problem right? We’re the World Police only when it’s convenient for some, but not others? If it that’s the case, I really wish people would stop hating on our government when we’re doing things like financing small proxy wars…
The US has to funnel BILLIONS into our own military complex because A: Every single other country on Earth depends on us. B: Lots of countries don’t like us.
But let me guess, you most likely live here in the US and are just enjoying the high life, while also criticizing how much you hate everything about it.
And that’s the problem I have with how “some” of the government is selling this thing… “if we don’t send UNLIMITED funds to Russia, they’ll keep taking over everything!” And I just don’t buy it. Putin doesn’t want to be surrounded by NATO, that’s the sole reason he’s going after Ukraine. He’s not going to “keep going” like some are proclaiming, because he knows that will be a death sentence.
Not only that, but we’re giving fucking BILLIONS of money to Ukraine, we SHOULD have a say so in what happens…
Yet, he expects the US to just keep cutting those checks, right?
Yet, all other countries are supposed to send unlimited amounts of money and weapons? This is the same bullshit with everyone else… you want all our money, and that’s it.
The Left says the Right is racist, homophobic… the Right says the Left is anti-gun, pro-crime, anti-police… blah, blah… both sides have extremists and both sides are guilty of having some dumb asses. As I’m getting older, I just find myself become more aligned with Republicans because of my personal beliefs. That doesn’t make me an idiot, a racist, a bigot… etc… I"m just simply voting for who I think best represents me, at this point in my life. That does not make me any less of a person than you or anyone else on Lemmy, yet, I constantly get attacked because I’m not with the Left mob like you all are.
I’m Mexican, so keep stirring that pot… also, each party is filled with dumb asses that represent dumb shit, that doesn’t mean we’re all like that. I know some pretty extreme left wing Democrats that are just crazy,.but they don’t represent all the people in that party.
Yes, a Trump voter. All 78 million of us are wrong, and misinformed… and YOU guys are the right ones, got it.
So, just out of curiosity, what do you propose Trump does to stop other countries, and their own companies, from ripping us off?