Hello everyone, looks like we will start on building our dream home this year. I do want to set up a raspberry for automated photo shooting from the construction site. One picture per day is enough, I do want to create a timelapse video afterwards. The new neighbour is a friend, he allowed me to set up the camera in his house facing the construction site. Only problem he does not have a power supply at his window…
Anyone having experience with a solar module and a battery to power the raspi? Feel free to share your jdeas!
Things to consider:
- Moisture and Humidity.
- Heat.
- Verification of operation.
- Theft.
- Hardware reliability.
- Cost per image.
A raspberry pi is not the type of device I’d recommend for this due to its reliance on a microSD card for its os installation. It will likely fail due to many read/write cycles. Replacing the card with a drive causes increased susceptibility to 1 and 2.
Consider the cost per photo as a metric. In the scheme of building a house, the cost for even a $1k purpose built solution is insignificant.
Depending on OPs aptitude, they could have the Raspi connected to the internet and transmit the data immediately, bypassing a drive (though probably not a read/write cycle).
Could lift a page out of portable ops and use a LiFePo4 battery for power.
Just spitballin’.