John Wayne was a turd who vocally supported Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon.
Spider-Man is based.
Gay beer is great.
I’m not seeing the downside here?
It reminds of the one panel comic strip where it says “Liberal Utopia” and it has all these great things in it (Abortion centers, universal Healthcare, gay marriage, and other good stuff) but the comic is supposed to more “Look at these horrible things!”
I love what the fascists don’t like lol
Same vibe, not the comic I was thinking of. Good try though!
John Wayne had to be physically restrained from beating up a Native American woman at the Academy Awards.
I prefer something like clover to astroturf, but your local climate may vary.
Ah no, forcing people is a conservative thing.
TIL grass shaped hydrocarbons are Woke.
Replacing a “natural” lawn with literal oil byproducts seems more in line with the Republican worldview
John Wayne and Ronald Reagan are two grade A assholes.
John Wayne was a weenie wuss bitch asshole.
Pretty sure the writer of Spider-Man told two Nazis to come down to the street and fight him when they said something Nazi shit at his job
Why is astroturf “woke”?
Because woke means “thing I don’t like” and that’s all
Even as all the alarm bells go off about droughts and impending water crises, we must never compromise on our God-given right to lush green grass lawns.
Petrochemical replacement for plants and favored by stadium owners that hate labor costs? That might be points in it’s favor, but the real issue is liberals don’t appreciate the experience of playing ball in real grass.
It’s probably because green fields take a ton of water to maintain in many climates. In the American west, they’re awful for water usage. Green lawns and golf courses should straight up be banned for the public good.
I’d like to try a round of golf in a western desert. We’re just hitting a ball around; it doesn’t have to look like Scotland.
Where would one find this ungodly “gay beer”? So one can avoid it, of course.
The nearest Spider-Man fountain, it would seem
John Wayne? Don’t you mean Marion Morrison? Use their birth name to inoculate against the woke virus.
We’ve finally found it: the queer agenda. Let’s get to work, people.
Elvis was a hero to most But he never meant shit to me you see Straight up racist that sucker was Simple and plain Motherfuck him and John Wayne
This was the jam I thought of when I first read this post.
Just like Wayne, these people love pansies that act tough in front of a camera.
Cowards recognize cowards
Based Ice-T
Also Body Count is mad funny to listen to!
Where’s the downside?
Astroturf. The real woke agenda is native plants!
We are burying the lede here.
He has John Wayne statues? Multiple?
I don’t know who this is, but that’s like half a step from having an anime pillow. I mean, enjoy your kink, but that sounds really judgemental for someone with such… specific proclivities.
He’s doing a bit. I wouldn’t personally pay musk for the blue checkmark to do a bit, but he obviously is.
Oh, ok, so is the joke that ICE T, like me, got Poe’s lawed into boosting this or that he boosted this funny comedian guy? I am too detached from whatever is cooking in whatever is left of Twitter.
I’m sorry but the “inside” tweet reads like satire
I’m pretty sure it is. Still a great response.
Looking at what appears to be this guy’s twitter I think that’s probably accurate. One of the first things I saw looking for this guy’s profile was this and I can’t see any other explanation for the term “Straightriotic lovemaking”