And then their server center burns down from the enormous influx of traffic, Musk pockets the money, and the entire world sweeps into something worse than the Depression because a good chunk of the entire world economy simply doesn’t exist now.
And then their server center burns down from the enormous influx of traffic, Musk pockets the money, and the entire world sweeps into something worse than the Depression because a good chunk of the entire world economy simply doesn’t exist now.
Just like how the chief of the Navy was fired for being a woman, yes.
Nah, what he promised him is exactly what we see: $500B in rare earths, every year. Trump’s always been a terrible dealer, and this is no exception: he doesn’t do back-and-forth, he just tosses his entire hand on the table and says “here’s what I want”, then bullies you into accepting. If you don’t, he’ll either harass you, or back out saying YOU sabotaged the deal because you didn’t give him what he wanted immediately.
Don’t forget ICE going into schools and boarding schoolbuses so they can arrest Hispanic-looking kids. They didn’t just accelerate the genocide, they imported it home.
Not different. The Clinton admin invented the term whole cloth in order to not have to get involved in Rwanda.
Sheinbaum was right in that you need to figure out what HIS facts are, and then lie to him from there.
Pretty much this. Even with modern equipment, it would be a huge feat of engineering to fix the locks in a short enough timeframe to not have a huge effect on the world economy. Without the Panama Canal, cargo ships are gonna be burning WEEKS navigating around the Cape or coming around through the Arctic.
Lions Led By Donkeys! Weird and usually stupid military history, featuring everything from Roman warfare up to Vietnam.
I’ll also toss in Well There’s Your Problem. It’s an engineering disasters podcast. With slides (if you’re watching on YouTube).
Omnibus is also good in this vein. Ken Jennings and his friend go over some weird and obscure history you might not know about. It’s not very in-depth a lot, more factoids, but always pretty cool.
Also a legit forestry tactic - you set a controlled fire in a part of the forest, and keep it well-controlled, to burn off leaf litter and dead wood that would otherwise easily fuel a wildfire, and to encourage the growth of some species (or discourage others - burning is the only effective way to stop some invasive plant species).
Sadly, all the public school could afford was 10 interwar Italian tankettes that fall apart in a light breeze.
Wasn’t he being seen by an oncologist last summer?
Also, anyone who’s actually been involved in international politics, LIKE TRUMP DID FOR FOUR YEARS, should know that one does not “joke” in international politics. One assumes that the words coming out of one’s mouth will be taken at face value, no matter how many “it was a joke” retractions and posts and apologies you make.
Part of the crew, part of the ship…
The CIA has good reason to believe Trump gave information, because in the span of several weeks after a private meeting with Putin while Trump was president, a whole pile of their Russian and Eastern European intelligence agents and assets dropped off the face of the Earth or wound up dead.
“But Trump will stop me having to hear about all these wars.”
Fixed for you. I heard the same from my mom - that it was a REAL SHAME Biden wasn’t trying to force Russia and Ukraine to peace.
Nah, Reagan did it easy. Plenty of people will be totally ok with banning guns if THOSE PEOPLE start carrying and using them.
If you had actually ASKED the Sioux of the Black Hills about this, you’d know they’ve told pretty much everyone “yeah we don’t like Mt Rushmore, we don’t like Crazy Horse’s relief carving either, but we think destroying them is more disrespectful than just leaving them to fall apart on their own.” Like, this isn’t an uncommon thought. It’s just more complex than “blow them up”.
A lot of it is truly what amounts to sadism. The board and the C-suite and the high-level managers below them will fight tooth and nail to avoid having to treat workers as anything but expendable. A lot of their believed power derives from “I can replace you in 5 minutes”.
He also stopped wearing most of his gold after being down in New Orleans helping clean up from Katrina. Said he felt it was wrong to be displaying such wealth when he was staring at people who had just lost literally everything.