Looking good! Has there been any word on the beta track?
Just a nerd doing nerdy things. Former firefighter/paramedic. Leftist scum.
Looking good! Has there been any word on the beta track?
Currently, Plasma. But I have ADHD a bit, so I’ve gone back and forth between that and Gnome mostly. I do like Cinnamon and I really want to spend time with Xfce and maybe others just to see what feels most comfortable right now. I’m trying to go for keyboard comfort these days, so we’ll see where I land at some point!
Aspen. Having lived and vacationed in Colorado in the past made my wife and I fall in love with them for their color in the fall. We’ve traveled back just to see them.
It feels like a fresh start. Gotta be excited about that, right?
I’ve done this a few times as well. I still have no idea what it really is. Funny words make laugh.
I sit and think about it for a while, become distracted with a shiny object, then come back to it later/right before it is due.
Thank you for this. My kind of band!
Priapism. Gotta check for it in trauma patients.
Oh no! Not another mildly harsh letter?!
It’s likely their shit doesn’t work anymore anyway. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
“I want to have Putin’s babies indefinitely.”
You’re welcome! I’m definitely no expert with Linux as I only truly started digging in several weeks ago. I’ve got a MacBook Pro for anything I can’t do on Linux and, like I said above, I’ve been hopping around/making mistakes/reinstalling in a frenzy since then.
To answer your question with my limited experience, Mint is just a good gateway for Windows folks wanting to switch to Linux. I used it for a bit a year or so ago, but there were issues with the nvidia drivers at the time, so I didn’t stick to it. Now, however, those have been updated and it is the easiest so far (aside from maybe Pop! OS) to get Linux playing nice with nvidia cards. I was easily able to get my Steam games as well as Diablo IV on Lutris (a sort of translation layer frontend to allow battle.net to run) going. Debian is only slightly less simple, and it took me a bit to find a site that made it easier (the link in my post above) for me.
I’m at the point now where I can get just about any distro I’ve hopped to/from up and running pretty quickly with my 2080Ti. OpenSUSE is the only one that I just simply couldn’t get everything working right. It has a completely different way of installing apps and utilities than the others I’ve tried. It’s a "cutting edge, " rolling distro, which means it updates things as soon as they’re stable, unlike most others. So, it might have something to do with that aspect. All in all, Debian has been a good, solid distro that I’ve been happy with. I haven’t tried LMDE, so I can’t speak to it directly but, and others more experienced than me can please chime in, I think it’s mostly Debian with the Cinnamon desktop environment. That may be simplistic, but that’s my current understanding.
Sorry for the long post. Hope it helps.
Yes, I forgot about the X11/Wayland issue. Supposedly being worked on for the next version of Plasma, but we’ll see.
I’ve installed an uninstalled so. many. distros. over the past few weeks just trying things out on my previously windows-laden machine, and I’ve got a 2080Ti from a few years ago in it. Mint (non-DE) has wonderful integration with nvidia drivers…it’ll prompt the driver installation when you first boot it up. But, I’m currently on Debian with KDE Plasma desktop environment, and there is a bit of setup in Debian. I’ve bookmarked and followed this tutorial each time I’ve distro-hopped lately, and with the exception of openSUSE (because it doesn’t use the apt install scheme), it has worked perfectly.
Each distro I’ve used has its own little quirks and it has been a big learning experience. But, if you’ve got a bit of tech knowledge, it shouldn’t be too bad. Good luck to you!
Currently Debian.
Holy shit, grab your popcorn. I’m not sure they’re even ready for a runner in their pantyhose, let alone war on another front. What the fuck?
Anything for my fellow Lemmings! Have a great day!
Aren’t the sabres rattled enough already? Please, think of the sabres.
You can grow just about anything with the right setting. Greenhouses and seasonal vegetables in gardens. I’m not the expert in that, but when we lived in CO, there were plenty of fresh veggies available up there.
I had cosmic running recently on one ssd and it was pretty solid for that short period of time. I’ll keep checking in!