As far as I know there are these;
- Camel case = coolFileName
- Snake case = cool_file_name
- Kebab case = cool-file-name
- Pascal case = CoolFileName
- Dot notation =
- Flat case = coolfilename
- Screaming case = COOLFILENAME
Personally I prefer the kebab/dot conventions simply because they allow for easy “navigation” with (ctrl+arrow keys) between each part. What are your preferences when it comes to this? Did I miss any schemes?
Random mix and match. I’m all for diversity!
I put an unnecessary amount of spaces in all my file names to break anyone who wants to use CLI tools on them
i use windows btw
Using Windows is a true flex on Lemmy
I put newlines in my filenames to break both CLI tools and Windows filesystems
touch "\" \""
What does this do?
Make a file named just a bunch of spaces with double quotes around them. It’s made confusing because of the 4 double quotes, two are escaped by the backslashes immediately before them.
Mental damage
It heavily depends on the context: Filenames? Variables? Functions? Interfaces/Classes? Java? C? Shell?
I usually like to call my functions cool-Filename and my variables moronic_typeClass. Shell executable aliases look like ‘if\ then\ else’ and C constants are ‘IFTHANELSE’
It depends a bit on the use case. I try to follow naming conventions within specific environments like Python. When just sorting some documents together, I usually do a mix of Kebab and snake case, where I split semantic parts with underscores and connect words with dashes like
This is exactly what I do. It lends itself to something like ‘prefix_specific-info_version’ which is both sortable and easy to read.
I can tell that this guy fucks
Camel case for short names snake case if it starts getting hard to read
Underscore to delineate different parts, hypen to delineate words.
Like: my-resume_draft.pdf
And to make it consistent and easier to reuse parts for project names and such, I have a command line utility written for it. It caches the parts and uses a template system (support for generating current datetime in parts)
Available here (is in AUR too):
You can go-to_hell.
Thats what I do as well. It makes it easy to seperate between logical units.
Have been defaulting to kebab case for variable and function names in all languages recently because of cargo yelling at me
Pascal case for class names cause c#, snake case for python files because it doesn’t like kebab
Screaming case for env files because that’s what everybody else does
SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE just has the best name
1337 case = k3wlf1l3n4m3
I’ve never been to a naming convention but I have been to some comic conventions!
You should, that’s how you can make a name for yourself!
my go_to NamingCovention: ANYTHING but camel-case 🤮
This question just shows how messed up, and broken much of IT is.
Man I miss basic.
Im dead! MS-DOS vibes
Pascal or camel case for code, snake case for files and screaming snake case for globals
Snake case.
- Starts with a lowercase, good for shell autocompletion
- No spaces, so no worrying about spaces in shell commands
- ‘_’ is better than ‘-’ because it shows the spaces between words more clearly
Counterpoint: you have to use Shift a lot
For this reason, I use kebab case for directories. But because I agree underscores show spaces better, I use snake case for files.
He probably uses vi. A few hundred more shift-key presses won’t stand out.