Bold of any of them to assume I’ll remember there was an “it” to remember in the first place. My best offer is a vague sense that I’ve forgotten something.
A vague sense of having forgotten something … that’s got to be true for ADHD and non-ADHD alike!
I always trust that feeling, what’s the downside to not doing so, other than time?
My memory sort of acts like a carousel/merry-go-round, in that I’ll store a memory, I know it is there, but I cannot access it at will, and it will re-appear at a random time at some point in the future when doing something completely unrelated.
A “memory-go-round”, if you will.
I have so many notepads
How about saying you’ll write it down -hey look, a distraction!- then forgetting what it was that you wanted to write down?
Nothing is more frustrating than knowing you wrote something down, but not knowing where.
Nothing is more frustrating than finding a note and wondering what it means or if you did it.
- Unroll the car
- Table Tablet - DO ASAP
- Spaghetti bowl
Nothing is more frustrating than knowing you were supposed to write something down, then not remembering what that something was. Yet for some stupid reason you can remember you were going to write whatever it was down.
Yeah and you remember it while in the bus or the pool, where you can’t write it down anymore.
Yep, then you forget again before you can write it down.
Like a memory whack-a-mole.
Yeah, the time to go the lost and it’s gone because something random grabbed you attention for a sec, like people passing in the street
I tie this to my keys so it forces me to remember that there is something I needed to remember… Now if I could only remember what that thing was…
(No that is not my carpet lol it’s shitty foam to protect parts put on it at my job)
Now to attach this to the lapel of my shirt where it belongs
For me, a proper reminder needs to have a property like physically preventing progress until I take care of the thing, or jumping up and demanding my attention until I take care of the thing.
The most basic form is that if I need to do something tomorrow at noon, I don’t create a reminder. I create an alarm! And if the alarm goes off and the thing is not done, I snooze it instead of stop it.
I text myself, because I (almost) always know where my phone is
I use discord, its free. Made a server with only myself. I have so many channels that are all lists of things, a foods-I-like channel is helpful for when I am hungry but don’t remember what I like at the moment.