That seems like a bit of an unnecessarily hostile response to a joke comment.
That seems like a bit of an unnecessarily hostile response to a joke comment.
If you were really sorry, you’d let us* move up there. ^^^Please?
*“Us” being those of us who are also very unhappy with what’s going on in the US.
Color me shocked. Shocked that anyone genuinely thought Bibi the bastard would allow a ceasefire.
I’m pretty sure the Israeli government and IDF have no intention of ever doing so.
True, but I meant more that people want specific individuals to die, as opposed to groups of people. I am, unfortunately, quite familiar with being hated for being part of certain groups.
I sometimes wonder how it must feel to go through your daily life knowing that there’s a large percentage of the entire planet’s population that either actively wants you dead or, if not, would celebrate (or at least not care) if you died.
It can’t be a good feeling. I appreciate that. I hope it feels absolutely terrible.
We’re letting our favorite child Israel and our new step daddy Russia do it; why should we have to lose out?
Now, pardon me while I go repeatedly slam my head against a brick wall until I’ve decided it’s time to cry, instead.
He’s not even back in office yet and I’m already so. Fucking. Exhausted.
Doesn’t have the same vibration power as a corded. Not worth it, in my opinion.
They’ll have to have security as his grave 24/7 to prevent people from shitting on it. And, unfortunately, probably from praying to it.
“Notice me, person-who-is-my-senior-in-whatever-situation-I-met-them!”
Raptors can see eight to ten times better than humans.
No way they’ll be able to find his hair.
Woah, woah, hold up a minute. Since when are we expected to take personal responsibility? I intend to blame you when I cut off my nose to spite my face. You can’t change the rules now!
She looks excellent with her pink highlights. What a cutie!
So glad that my fellow queer women haven’t spilled the secret of our ceremony like these guys did.
Wait, shit. I’ve already said too much.
My first thought was also M&M-Peep chili; glad I’m not the only one about to go to the bathroom, forever.
The survey would target women of child-bearing age, between the ages of 15 and 49
A fifteen year old girl is not a “woman,” she is a child. All of this is appalling but that line stood out in particular to me.
Let’s cut that in half.
This woman is evil. I’d like to “resettle” her to prison.
If you’re really being serious, then the answer is that most (or, at least, the vocal majority) of those people don’t even really care about living children. I don’t see that type of person generally giving any more care to a non-human being than they would a human being, and they already don’t care about people other than themselves.
“Pro-life” has always been a misnomer. More honest descriptions would be “anti-choice” or “pro-forced birth.”