Yeah for real, why is Bill Gates still among polite society?
Oh you missed the email? Well the deadline to opt out of binding arbitration has already passed.
Ironically I think that ship has sailed
I fucking hope it’s AI lol, it looks like a theme party in a retirement community.
Their messaging so far to Israel has been “do whatever the fuck you want, 💰💰”
Maybe you get upgraded to fem-man?
Total joke of a government
Women rapists are more rare. And comments like this only serve to promote rape culture.
They exist, right? In direct contradiction to what the sign is plainly saying, right? But pointing that out is somehow promoting rape culture? That is ridiculous and offensive. They mean to exclude an entire category of survivors. To believe that slogan and uncritically repeat it, you’d need to be willfully ignorant and have the emotional intelligence of a turnip.
Sex abuse of all kinds is evil and a social menace. By people of any gender, against people of any gender. No equivocation, full stop.
Woodland critter noises 😄
I’m not out to debate the statistics of “REAL problem” with you. I’m pointing out that it’s counterproductive (and I believe morally wrong) to tell survivors they’re unworthy because their abuser was a woman. I get the feeling some people care more about gendering this issue than they do about about victims of abuse.
most of the men I know tend to think abusive men are always other men
I’m sure most if not all abusers are in denial and don’t consider themselves abusers, but this slogan gives a pass to ones who happen to be women by insisting that they don’t exist at all.
actually decent men are aware that they are complicit by their very existence as men under the patriarchy, and invest their energy in being better and calling out their fellow men to try and improve your collective reputation
This is bald-faced, shameless bigotry and reflects a real lack of self awareness
Seemed pretty clear to me that @[email protected] is calling me a rapist for daring to criticize the claim that rapists are always men
I’ll take the bait too because I’ve personally known a female abuser (never did anything to me but raped a 14 year old as a teacher) and it makes me furious that a so-called activist would not only disregard crime that doesn’t fit their narrative, but try to gaslight the rest of the world into doing it too.
not all men but always a man
Pointless sexist bullshit and wrong on its face. I never understood the drive some people have to paint abusive behavior as exclusive to men.
Ah ok, I’m totally ignorant and haven’t seen that
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