Hear me out
If your interview shows promises, then I think the cert gives the employer confidence in your ability.
It is uncommon but normal to skate as transport in city.
You are missing the “GNU slash”,
GNU/Linux dethrones Windows
Linus tech tips on YouTube
FS is for nubz, do these instead:
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/stdout
dd if=/dev/stdin of=/dev/sda
Nope, rust is ideal for kernel code, it really is an improvement.
Writing kernel in C is like building a house with a hammer on loosen handle, there is too much give and the builder has to tap it a few times before every strike. You could say the builder knows how to build and secure a house, but hes still a human. The loosen handle adds too much difficulty result in errors which would otherwise be avoided.
init system could be different, systemd, shepherd, sysvinit…etc
“base packages” that comes with different distro is way different
Guix is a notable mention for having the minimal bootstrap source. On top of that, it is functional package management, implying you can rollback safely (at the cost of disk space).