Very interesting and understandable explanations of low level architecture and filesystems, namespaces, userspace, kernel functions, drivers etc.
Highly recommend!
Very interesting and understandable explanations of low level architecture and filesystems, namespaces, userspace, kernel functions, drivers etc.
Highly recommend!
The biggest lie of programming these days is just because something is coded in [trendy “secure” language of the day, including Rust] means it’s secure. Bullcrap. It’s how you code things that make it secure or not. You can be proficient enough in C to make programs that are much more secure vs. rust. The fact that everyone makes mistakes and programming is an enormous beast to wrangle with makes things insecure and needs to be monitored and fixed.
Nope, rust is ideal for kernel code, it really is an improvement.
Writing kernel in C is like building a house with a hammer on loosen handle, there is too much give and the builder has to tap it a few times before every strike. You could say the builder knows how to build and secure a house, but hes still a human. The loosen handle adds too much difficulty result in errors which would otherwise be avoided.
You’re just partially correct.
With Rust you get compile time guarantees that your code doesn’t have a specific class of vulnerabilities. Can you do that with C?
Yes, it’s called “not being a shit programmer.”
madaidan and a lot of security clowns in FOSS/privacy community unironically claim that is how security works. However, it is true Rust is far better than C/C++ for security, if thousands of people are coding. Not everyone is going to be the best security programmer in the world.
Well, guess who shouldn’t be programming then?