The polyamory will continue until we can form a ska band.
Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short
The polyamory will continue until we can form a ska band.
Citation needed.
I’ll take your silence after the citations were posted to be an admission that you were 100% wrong about this
This, but it’s my ADHDAF ass stacking firewood with my dad. Eventually, when I was old enough, I even got to use the splitter and the sledgehammer. Now I’m a grown ass man and Pittsburgh is technically subtropical so he doesn’t heat the house with wood anymore, but in years of studying I’ve never found a more effective meditation than 3 hours of splitting and stacking firewood.
This isn’t Gaza and the people who did 10/07 do not have a presence here. Call it what it is - ethnic cleansing.
there’s the catholic church that I knew and hated.
I wonder why multiple adults beating the shit out of 6 year old me with yardsticks wasn’t a threat to human dignity.
I’ll be honest, I’m kinda hype to see the ragged edge of AI trained on AI trained on AI down a few dozen levels deep. The slow literal disintegration of data outputted by a system that has no concept of meaning, only pattern-matching, is gonna end up building entire cities in the uncanny calley
Memba when they marketed the web as this great big all-encompassing thing where you could find anything if you knew where and how to look? The modern web is like 6 sites chained together in a Content Centipede.
Let them towel you off, maybe get a snack. What’s the worst that could happen?
There seems to be this thing where the mainstream media tries to appease anti-murder voters by insisting that Joe “I Am A Zionist” Biden is really trying hard to find a solution to this and he’ll get there eventually, but in the mean time his hands are tied and he has to keep picking up the tab for Israel. But like, really guys, any minute now he’s gonna stop because secretly he agrees with you that this is wrong. He just can’t stop now. Like, he could. He could just stop sending them money. But he can’t. But he will soon. But not now. Because he can’t.
There’s nothing a conservative hates more than being judged by who they are as people. They think that tolerance means being a complete moral vacuum and accepting any sort of malevolence and violence. This is because they see people being tolerant of PoC, queer people and non-Christians and they also see membership in those categories as moral failings.
Ancaps all live a main character fantasy where they’ll be kings of the rubble.
The best part of the Charles Kinsey one in particular is that Kinsey was working with an autistic adult who was having a breakdown. He was sitting in an intersection, holding a toy firetruck and blocking traffic. Fearing that the police would choose to mistake the man’s toy firetruck for a gun, Kinsey stayed with the man and explained to police that it was a toy truck and not a gun. In order to assure officers that he was no threat, Kinsey was lying on his back with his hands in the air. A police officer then shot Kinsey. A different officer asked the shooter why he shot Kinsey, and the shooter replied, and I swear to you this is an exact quote, “I don’t know.” Not being able to articulate what, if anything, Kinsey did wrong did not stop police from handcuffing him and leaving him without medical care for 20 minutes as he bled from his gunshot wound. The officer was convicted of culpable negligence and ordered by a court to serve 5 months’ probation and write an essay about policing. That conviction was overturned on appeal. The police union representing the officer explained that, despite police having been informed by witnesses that the autistic adult was holding a toy truck and confirming themselves using binoculars that it was indeed a toy truck, that the shooter was aiming for the autistic man holding the toy truck and was trying to save Kinsey’s life, despite the fact that the danger existed solely in the shooter’s head.
The people of Miami Dade county, having done nothing wrong, were forced to pay Kinsey an undisclosed sum.
Title: Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings is Utterly Awful
Article: Look at me. Look at me. Hey, Internet, over here. I said something controversial. Pay attention to me.
The steam deck is how you prevent piracy. If you look at the huge influx of streaming services, you’ll see an example of how you encourage piracy. I recently dropped three of my services in favor of one pirate site that has almost everything. They even offer a subscription tier and I’ve considered it. I’m willing to pay for good content. What I’m not willing to do is pay dozens of middlemen across multiple companies to rip off the people who actually make my favorite shows and then memory hole the shows a few months after they premiere.
When you roll out the feasible alternative let me know. Until then, I’ll be voting for the candidate whose rallies don’t break out in chants of “kill f*ggots, kill all transgenders”
The phrase “no war but class war” isnt saying “we should forsake the fight for civil rights until after we establish communism”. It’s saying that every war is, in fact, an aspect of the class war. When you are racist, bigoted, homophobic, sexist, anything like that, you’re fighting in the class war. You’re an agent provocateur on the side of the upper class, sowing chaos and division in the ranks of the working class. When you join the military, you might think you’re fighting in a traditional geopolitical war, but that type of war is just a tool that the upper class uses to buy resources with the blood of the working class. No war but class war acknowledges that the war for equality on any front is part of the class war.
POV means “this is the situation” now. Language does that. Sorry.
Im convinced of the exact opposite. I think that Christianity was a Roman psy-op that was designed to pacify a rebellious occupied Judea. Things that the new testament explicitly instructs worshippers to do include:
Don’t seek material wealth or power, those who do so are evil.
Remain meek and nonviolent, don’t seek liberation, and after you die you’ll get everything you would have wanted on earth and more.
Pool your resources and take care of yourselves and each other, but still pay your taxes.
When Roman soldiers attack you, don’t fight back.
rules aren’t there to be enforced, they’re there so that when you break them you take a second to think about why.