I realize most people who would visit 196 certainly know this, but I still feel compelled to point out that anarchism is entirely incompatible with capitalism.
Then explain why the chad in this meme is on the side of the capitalism
You can’t, and your argument lays in shambles
Then I’m left with no choice but to depict myself as the gigachad
I was hoping to avoid such extreme measures
I reneige
Is that how you spell that? Jesus I’m stupid
No, it’s not (remove the i)
“Renege” is the correct spelling in english - I’m just bilingual and confused.
Technically, anarchism is incompatible with communism, fascism, and socialism, as all of those require the state to exist in some way if undertaken at the national scale.
Anarcho-capitalism makes the most sense of them all. Just say you don’t want a state to exist at all because you want to suck some robber baron/warlord’s cock.
Which do you not understand: anarchism or communism? Communism is a stateless, classless society. It does not require a state, and it is perfectly compatible with anarchism. In fact, within any form of anarchism you’d find communism.
Anarchism is no state and no hierarchies. In any form, it seeks horizontality and mutual aid. It is absolutely unhinged to think that’s compatible in any way with capitalism.
Jfc the media has really succeeded in deluding people about what anarchism is, haven’t they? The surprising thing is I’d expect that on, say, Facebook or 4chan or Stormfront, but I thought 196 was more … leftist
What is the 196 sub? Why is the bad guy depicted as a Chad?
What is the 196 sub?
Shitposting community that is expressly LGBT+ affirming and trends leftist (see stickied posts, for example)
Why is the bad guy depicted as a Chad?
Good question lol. Maybe because the person who doesn’t look like a male stereotype is the reasonable person in this post?
Do we get a poem?
Although I’m just a cheap knockoff, here you go:
Festive nowadays
A day, tiny chad screeches
Beyond the sausage
Thank you!
I’m just a cheap knockoff
I refuse to accept this
Has any online leftist ever talked to an ancap? It’s not that they suppirt oppression outright, just that they don’t care if it doesn’t affect them. That’s why their ideology makes sense: they don’t consider that they’d be the proles, they’d be the capitalists.
Coincidentally, that’s why most authoritarians support their brand of oppression: in their specific genre, they’re the winners and the losers can go fuck themselves. And no, they don’t consider that they’re just paving the way to their ineviable overthrow
Milei, the “anarcho-capitalist” president of Argentina, is now trying to outlaw abortion. This guy is pretty much against certain civil liberties.
ancaps are just libertarians that live with their parents and libertarians are just republicans that like weed
Ancaps all live a main character fantasy where they’ll be kings of the rubble.
This is stupid. No ancap person I’ve ever known or read has said that. It bothers me when people tear down other people because of the words they put in their mouth.
I know it builds community, it’s fun, no one is likely to be hurt, etc. It just bothers me is all.
Regarding the Chad as Anarcho-Capitalist convo: I think we maybe shouldn’t credit value to character archetypes rather than to logic and principles.
No one’s actually a complete Chad IRL. Some look the part. Some look the part and walk the walk some, but plenty are still true believers of white power. Some look the part but are really Gaston, or ready to go Joffrey at a moment’s notice.
Others of us don’t look Chad at all, and may look doomer, or sad girl (or whoever she is. Maybe Female Of The Species) and still have a point or legitimate grievance.
What others classify you as doesn’t make you or your feelings less valid. These archetypes are observer’s perspectives of instances. Moments. They’re not a complete picture of what is happening.
And being or becomming Chad (or Neitzsche’s ubermensch) is not in having perfect positions all the time, but being willing to err and learn from our mistakes. IRL, its a process, and even Christian nationalist Chad can learn, recover, and walk an enlightened path. Chad is a process. And 72% Chad is still pretty Chad.