I still cannot fathom how a human with any compassion can continue to support israel after all of this.
I still cannot fathom how a human with any compassion can continue to support israel after all of this.
Just because it is fixed, does not mean you have to turn it up. Keep it low so they keep cuddling.
It is also Finnish for shark.
ETA: it also is Estonian, and Norwegian for shark.
I never believed, I was told I had to be christian or I would go to hell.
Ghost. I was not a fan of theirs at all. I loved their look, but could not get into their music. Then I went to an Iron Maiden concert and Ghost was opening for them. By the second song I was hooked. I have been a huge Ghost fan since. My wife and I are going to Vegas to see them for our anniversary this year.
I was at Hersey Park for a company picnic one year and there were a lot of people walking around dressed up as Weird Al. While waiting the group from my store on a ride, I noticed there was an amphitheater behind me. I turned around and leaned on the rail trying to figure out what was going on when someone dressed as Weird Al came up next to me and started looking down at the stage, he asked if I knew what was going on. I shrugged and then he ran down the steps and onto stage. It was actually Weird Al.
I cannot find the actual file I was talking about, but I did find my WEG Death Star Technical Manual. I am still trying to find the laptop that has the technical readouts of the Death Star.
I got an urn for my son off a woodworker i followed on TikTok.
Since you are thinking a zelda themed urn, maybe a clay pot that look like the ones from the game? Try a pottery shop?
If you want wood, i could try and hook you up with the guy who did my son’s.
“We could have saved them after you bombed them, but you also bombed all of our hospitals.”
You could have just as easily illustrated your point without stooping to using a slur.
To send images for graphic design.
Fish on Fridays. All of the school cafeterias here only served fish. Many restaurants did not serve meat either.
We had fiestas at the Catholic Church in late summer. The whole town would get together for the celebration. (This I learned was a town tradition, and not specially a Catholic thing, it was hosted by the Catholic Church though).
Performing Las Pastorelas in school, and on the city’s plaza at Christmas time.
Giving up something for lent. I thought this was a tradition like New Year’s resolutions.
You can eat any plant… at least once.
I grew up in a small Catholic town in NM. Everyone here is Catholic, even non Catholics have taken up Catholic traditions. So much so that when I left home I thought all of those things were normal American traditions, having no idea they were rooted in Catholicism.
Back in Maryland with my old gaming group a friend and I ran games with an average of 20 people, but there was seldom a time where all 20 were in the scene together. It was a lot of fun, some games lend themselves better for large stuff than others. No way would I do d&d at that scale, but white wolf works great.
Yes running my normally scheduled d&d games is boycotting. I had no idea this weekend was football, I know it was sometime this month, but that is about it.
I ran two games, one is a weekly game of teens, the other is every other week of adults. I was surprised no one canceled from either game. Both were great sessions.
Which should web you browser use