Which should web you browser use
I’m not alone!! Thank you
title must be: Which Should Web You Browser Use!
The one which works better for you. Using a browser you aren’t comfortable with or with issues for your use case isn’t that smart.
@meldrik Hint: The answer is Firefox.
As with most poorly worded things on the internet, folks over-reacted. This did have the positive impact of Mozilla re-writing the terms to better match their intentions though.
The insanity also seems to ignore the Mozilla’s stance on Privacy. Which is probably one of the most user rights focused privacy stance ive ever seen in todays internet. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/privacy/firefox/
Firefox, Mozilla, they are not interested in selling your data. This is the internet over-reacting as it tends to do.
Having a CEO that makes $6M as a nonprofit and putting out those confusing terms, however, is unacceptable. They made $37M just on investments, and they can’t afford a marketing team that can figure out how to put out something understandable and clear? Ridiculous.
Agree. Firefox is still the best browser option. I don’t believe they intended to fuck the users. This is more Hanlon’s Razon. “Don’t attribute to malice what is easily explained by incompetence.”
As Rossman said, the gravy train of Google money has made mozilla complacent and in many ways incompetent.
People love to troll Firefox. There are only 3 brower sources Google, Mozilla, and Apple. I choose Mozilla or a derivative of them.
@meldrik It’s not just me is it? Which should web you browser use?
This is one of the first where I struggled to read it correctly. I think the colours are making the effect worse here.
Are you talking about the thumbnail?
@meldrik Yes 😆
You should let @[email protected] know haha :D