at this point civil war is maybe the best we can aim for
They/hello!! Also @[email protected]
at this point civil war is maybe the best we can aim for
a lot of Americans acknowledge a coup happened about a month ago
ah, feudalism
You can’t keep playing defense forever
I sure hope not
as an american we want good government but it’s the billionaire oligarchs who are ruining it
sic semper lactuca
yes because i talk a lot and black is beautiful 💖
imagine if it falls and perfectly annihilates the trump administration though
again, the sabotaged education system guarantees that we do not
tell us what to do!! we tried voting and our educational system is so sabotaged that we do not know what else is possible
my sincere congratulations, from an american
you’re making a classic mistake of thinking trump’s interests are aligned with America’s interests
no, i thought a pot company was leasing prisoners for a grow op and giving a portion of profits back
yes officer, this guinea pig right here
are you now or have you recently been a party to a crime
nah there’s girls who like it
now a pile of money is president
Get ones that are machine washable!!
Have you decided what means are acceptable for resistance for yourself yet