Tumblr’s got a few verification badges huh
Yes, they did that to mock Twitter. There’s no limit to how many you can buy, and each one gets a different color so it makes a rainbow.
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My local one has a time traveler weekend (I presume others do, too). Trek has time travel, Star Wars does not, but there’s always Storm Troopers etc. Dr Who shows up a bunch, too, which also makes sense.
Now that I think about it, I really want to see a herd of those inflatable T-Rex costumes for it…
If you want to be super pedantic (and I do), time travel may not be necessary for the stormtroopers to work.
Star Wars is a long time ago (as of 1977), in a galaxy far away. A ship full of stormtroopers could have come through a wormhole to medieval Earth. Or depending on how long ago Star Wars is, could even have been cryogenically frozen, drifting towards Earth for ages.
could even have been cryogenically frozen, drifting towards Earth for ages
Time travelled forward, so to speak 😄
Anyone from the SGC?
Ahsoka time traveled in Rebels.
This has become frowned upon at the ones I’ve been to. The joke wore out it’s welcome after the 100th time and now the people in Star Trek costumes just look like attention seeking assholes breaking everyone else’s immersion
I know of one that has a specific theme weekend for sci-fi for this exact reason. It gets all the Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr Who, and other time traveling costumers to come then, gives them their fun of interacting with other sci-fi fandoms, and keeps the other weekends more or less free of them.
my renn faire has a tardis that moves locations every week
Yep, our local fair literally calls it time travellers’ weekend, which turns it into a kind of ‘anything goes’ weekend functionally. Honestly, one of the best weekends of the year because there are a ton of people having a blast.
i wore plaid shorts and everybody said my kilt got sewn up the middle
except the village idiot he called me picnic pants
I feel like getting gatorade out of a fursuit would be awful
Also, tumblr post of a twitter screenshot of a facebook screenshot?
Get ones that are machine washable!!
Like, those suits cost thousands of dollars. I wouldn’t want to wreck one just for a joke myself.
Five websites taking screenshots of each other.
Y’know, like the engineer, Giory La Forge
One of the cringest things in the whole wide supercluster
Yeah I just kept thinking that this renfair thing isn’t for me