Your podcasts have ads? Maybe you need to find better ones
Your podcasts have ads? Maybe you need to find better ones
A ministry of truth saying something that is not mainstream? Impossible
Nobody will ever outrank Germany in war crimes…
It’s pretty clear she got expelled from assassins school. Look at her! She couldn’t even kill him and got on camera.
Shit, they get all the comments censored bro. This sub is a real trash
Anybody has the original censored comment?
Since when US does give shit about Ukraine.
Fuck Ukraine, Fuck Russia, Slava Anarchii
I’d rather wait a few days for a download then watch a movie with pixels
Hosted on Github = Trash
I’m not interacting with this malicious website for a few movies
We didn’t lost a possibility on Metro 2033 itself though, if you know what I mean
(I mean Russia literally becoming Metro 2033)
Visas are Nazi invention
Even better: get a Linux-phone. A win.
lol, wanted copyright annihilator uses Telegram where her account is literally bound to a phone number. How smart
I used Windows 11 on my tablet. Might I say 95° CPU when no applications are turned on is not okay. And the fans being 5000 RPM with NOTHING turned on since buying the tablet. And all the telemetry, tracking, ads, abuse, bloat, malware, spyware, blah blah blah. After switching to Fedora, I can barely notice the fans, and even in games they are really silent. The tablet is NEVER hot. Though battery got killed by Windows already, I guess if I’ll replace it, I will get more of my tablet.
That’s news sub, dude, that’s what supposed to be here. You don’t want news, you don’t use news subs